Thursday, October 11, 2012

Heap of Deletion

Heap of Deletion 

Sometimes a thickness balls up in my gut
Like a whelp, throbbing for external pressure
To counterbalance the urge of expulsion
To be able to stabilize the sadness 

The routine has been repeated in enough iterations
To communicate the likelihood of such a force of nature
Interfacing with the dull numb weight is infinitesimal 

The urge to cry fizzles tears at the edge of the ducts
Until I am reminded of my gender like a clutch
Where I can feel the edge of my ribs underneath my skin clenching up
And all I crave in this universe is someone to hold
So as to carry out the transversal of masculine need through appearing strong 
I have a job, a house, a daughter, bulky furniture
Carpet, a one-hundred thousand mile plus vehicle
A wardrobe and health insurance  

These accoutrements are secondary to the desire for the sensation
Of that counter pressure, as they are all moot
To the physics of emotional reciprocation
An injury proper medical science would ridicule  

As the ghosts of the universe applaud at focusing on the only integral variable
Broken, a faucet stripped of empathy, no font to drink
Parched prayers bartering for a caress of understanding
Sand, all there is, is sand  

Be thankful for what you have, sir
It could always be worse, surely sir, surely  

The loneliness pulls at me, imploding and forming its own gravity
Encompassing the definition of negation
Creating force it self by ramping a density of oblivion
As days continue the repeated tasks accumulate, not into fresh endeavors  

But into a heap of deletion,
Their summation takes away the potential of what was there before
As if it could have been anything, but is in reality more of the same
The nothingness expands in the exchange  

Ballooning the lump inside myself
Eating away like a black hole cancer
So far it has swallowed hope, religion, justice, balance
Faith and love are swirling on the outskirts like angels refusing to land  

Barely visible, for I told them to fly as far as they could get
So that my insides never destroy them
For as long as I can ration that they exist somewhere in this universe, I exist

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