Thursday, October 11, 2012

And Justice, the I's has it for All

And Justice, the I’s has it for All  

Nothing taunts me more than a macro level notion of justice
The hyperbole of the hive flocking to polarized figures
Judged to be on the perimeter of the spectrum as Hitler
A Sandusky, An Enron, A Bounty Program, An O.J.
A Bin Laden, A Mike Vick, A McVey, A James Holmes,
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a monster!!! 

Granted the allowance of public opinion to extol
Unending criticism in the form of landslides of disdain
I’m against it, look here, I says it, I’m parts of the group
I downloaded the app. last week before the sentiment went viral 

A.C.L.U. lawyer factions represent the inarguable stance
Diatribes, sanctions, the vampire is staked
Blood thirst, lust, gorged and escaped
Streaking out the front door as naked as can be
Is an untouchable sense of justice shrouded in manufactured sympathy 

For Victims, We: glob feces, stick AIDS needles, scrape toenail beds
We berate drums with paddles of the veracity of horrors
Change, allocation, imprisonment, disfigurement,
Eyeballs popping out in some sort of Israeli exchange program 

Rhetorical interrogative conclusions wafting
In cotton candy parachutes securing our descent into safety during a hurricane
The wolf cried for and caught, the villagers pitchforks can return to the hay bales
Sunday services can commence with a resolute bell tower tone
Emanating the palisades and Parisian boutiques from le Notre Dame 

Institutional culpability
Priest’s penis in the boy’s sphincter, the Pope and Paterno knew
Burn the Vatican and Pennsylvania, think of the children something must be done
Grown up, kid is a ROTC Iraq veteran, PTSD, treatment bumming on the street
Neuroscience graduate gunning down Batman’s refugees, bunkering in corners 

Spoils of war, German fingerprints on Dr. Gachet’s portrait
Madonna of Bruges looking down at baby Jesus’ scrotum
Blasphemy of a Halliburton contract
Schwarzenegger Governator Gray-Out Davis Enron power downs  

Andersen was in eighty countries and the largest CPA firm in U.S. history
Bankrupted in the press, media bulimia, who was the killa?
Caught with a crack rock in a baggy, doing more time than Ken Lay
Sentences stayed by suicide, Ponzi schemes made off with the billions
Of faces out there scrambling distracted, suddenly outraged by the tragic
Eclipse of the day, stare at the orb of gas exploding in the sky
The heat the melting, the sensation of the skin subsides
Into another tomorrow, another yesterday, another reference
Collective experience to circumvent direct contact or math

Which life, which rape, which body cavity infiltrated has priority?
Which child, which face, which famine, which bullet tells the story?
Which continent, which race, which God, which faith?
Which institutional injustice is worthy of the letters on today’s protest placard?  

Burn world burn, which classroom, who’s turn?
Scrambling to make sense, eat the cake and put a face
Here’s the victim, here’s the monster, here’s the reason, here’s the imposter
Allocate box to box, on why this happened and why it will not  

Happen to you tomorrow, feel good, go back to the line
There is an explanation and we resolved it
Ice Ice Baby, check out my hook while my D.J. revolves it
Clear Channel Playlist funding Bain Capital  

R-money not in charge to play the same three songs five times an hour
Replay the tape of two planes toppling two towers
Rocks at tanks on the West Bank, Drones extracting U.S. angst
Put a flag on that to decorate the other extreme  

Same polarity rationalized under similar means
Take one of ours, we’ll take one of yours
Shoulder rocket missile at a Soviet helicopter scored
Opium fields financing Pakistan hiding Osama  

Seal team six, bullet in the head, get it over with quick
Monster, monster out on the loose,…And justice is done
“Find it so grim, so true, so real,” West Memphis Three 
Explaining to a cacophony of labels of who’s Cain, who’s able 

Satan playing tricks financing mortgages,
Use to be usury laws now it is assurances
Placed on the backs of taxpayers,
Splitting loans into Harry Potter horocruxes  

A sixty-six piece investment traded on an exchange
AIG insured bailed out and the werewolf has turned
Into more overtime or unemployment, flog the back
Of hours away from a family struggling to harvest the basic means 

Of the dignity of a dinner plate
Paid for and leaving that tiny remainder that makes the end of this day
That slightly bit better than the end of my yesterday and
Suggests tomorrow may be a beneficial endeavor  

Nightmares, criminals, real problems, macro level
Super villains, Super heroes, Bruce Wayne and the Joker
Billionaire philanthropist donating to a sci-fi religion for a tax deduction
Mr. Smith is coming down from space, but first I need a dressage horse and a car elevator
Bat-mobile, kung-fu lessons with Ras Al Ghul, and a litter of sons to carry out my name  

Fireman can not afford to have a kid, more than one
And I am digging out the rubble of debt again, American Flag
Vasectomy breeding middle class eunuchs to contemplate retirement
Darwinism of the loins according to the Adam Smith scientists  

Two hundred murders in two hundred days, New Orleans is underwater
Which city official just got paid?  Fly to Jamaica to see a goat tied to a stick
Next to a slant of sheet metal jarred into the side of a mountain
To constitute a house, C-Ray’s gone vacationing and the city is out  

Frying in Houston, vagabond’s in fifty states, FEMA elevating houses
Cards rearranged, insurance paid for that, gots me a new one
Allstate paid for it, but I’m still using it, Other gutted houses can’t find a dime
Random chaos of broken levees and winds, who chooses the crosses for lines?  

Carried on backs, cancer or maps
Of where bullets land or I.U.D.’s explode in Iraq
Kentucky born was standing there, just staring for insurgents
Shrapnel cancelled out an operable larynx  

So who’s going to speak for that, who made sense?
I suggest we avoid the herd mentality of justice recompense
Roping up the neck, running to war, poster child for a disease
Lou Gehrig or Darfur, who’s got one, who needs one? 

Who do you care about and why?
Are you outraged, fed up, doing something, nothing subsides
Does it affect you, really, Somali famine, K’Naan, Are you hardcore really?  

I don’t see it, I don’t, Call me wrong
I see one humanity singing songs
Media companies turning the neck of the public
In violence, in politics, in economics, in faith,
In sounds berating our ears to the path of escape
As if there was blame, some see a monster
I see people making choices
Free will responsibility, moving targets 

Wrapping up in the starter kit to make a terrorist a cult-hero
White Broncos, Caylee Anthony a bigger Orlando attraction than mouse ears
Baby Jessica in a well, Macondo pluming bigger than Valdez
Fixation of the moment to bring us to our knees  

Hundreds, thousands, millions, tens, ones
Who’s mother, who’s brother, who’s cousin, who’s son
As if we focus enough on this particular story
We can find the numerology of our humanity in the singularity event  

Concentrated into the density of our consciousness like the universe
Into a name, a face, a story, a relatable nuance that allows our concern
To breath life into lung-sacks of justice that unfortunately
The billion other faces we do not have time to address have left riddled with holes 

No inflation, no rise, no sensation, not lies
Genuine manufactured concern for what we were awarded with the benefit
Of hearing about, fault is relative, most doing our best
Watching the mythical ghost of justice
Perpetually escape our reach like rainbows

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