Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chicken Little

Chicken Little 

The mirrors I find myself in the images
Gathered from the voices and expressions of others
Damn me to evaluate my sanity  

This solitude has sharpened my blade
For either self stabbing or pruning the weeds
That shroud what the occupied can not manage
Given the constraints of popular interaction 

The hordes are beholden to the hordes
Arms, limbs, mouths in motion to satiate
The extravagances of polite machinations
Appeasing the isolation of exile that may happen to bring a man to think  

Contemplate the purpose for our existence
And I believe I have found it over here in the sand
Facing flat to the sun for any wanderer to take to hand
The heat, the humidity, the stench, the ardent torch of wood to flint  

My language has mutated, crumpled in chromosomes
To produce garbled poetic philosophies which are like Hansel’s seeds
Dropped for purpose, but devoured by the crows in hasty concern
For the immediate need of hunger, allocating nothing for spiritual nourishment  

Beasts, birds, wolverines and flamingos bobbing like warlords and disco queens
Marrying off, procreating in hovels of corporate logos gestating Easter eggs
Accch!, vomit, listening to gambits played out in the harbors, the factories
The interstates and chicanery of pig pens oink-ing, oink-ing, fornicating for mush 

Troglodytes questioning the orientation of their own names
Basking at the sky, awaiting angels to make sense of the clouds
Towers built and empires of silt washing in and out with tides
Of decade to decade commerce procreating in tax returns  

Obliteration of the oblation, Obfuscate the obligation inside definition of self
Dispense inoculations on California beaches and Arabian desserts
Russian snow banks and Chinese rice patties, no island is sanctuary
No planet is ordinary foolishly putting rovers on Mars as accomplishment  

Ahhh! The werewolves are turning, gorging on my jaw like a font of blasphemy
I am the lunatic, the perverted spout of sanctimony piped to a cavern of lonely
That the pack will never explore,
Chicken little was eaten at ten thirteen p.m. on a Tuesday

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