Thursday, October 11, 2012

Still Born

Still Born 

I was still born, but I am still here
I didn’t want in from the beginning
Held in the latch tears 

To stay uninterrupted out there
In the far-misunderstood unconstructed
Introductions were like a stairway obstruction
Never wanted to descend into the human play pen  

Rather stay in the oblivious ignorance
Than dive here into the paradox predicament
Would I choose this?  Would I choose choice?
Would I stay God, split in infinite voice, yet the same one?
Would crawl out a uterus to defame some; 

Body, limbs sack of hair, lungs rejecting oxygen revived
A disappearing act cut short to make the rabbit appear outside
Premature and this abortion gone wrong is here
These bloody twigs, this stretched skin, this dysfunctional man  

Stands wanting to go back in, to crawl into death never
Being part of the picture, to not exist like a homeless man
Overdosed on malt liquor, stranded under an interstate
Going nowhere, in the midst of everyone,
Noticed for nothing, just another sum 

Of parts, scabs and fur, laugh it off, suicide concur
Blotch cheeks with mean streets, confessions of levee leaks
I busted my own façade took the wrong plane home to bomb
New York with old dreams; nightmares and steel nerve beams 

Bounding out foreheads like metal thoughts of predetermined
Limitations of another man’s life on a wooden cross
Barking orders and commandments as if I requested this estrangement
To commence breathing or participate;  

I voted to remain still and failed to placate
The rabble within my species, to quell the riots
I started generated feces, parades of damnation in a bullet clip of sunrises
I wanted none of this, yet have it, damn it all despite it

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