Thursday, October 11, 2012

First Date Conversation Topics

First Date Conversation Topics  

I was contemplating first date conversation topics
Taboos, bear traps, careful tread, upheavals,
Sanctuaries, pleasantries, common courtesies, meals
Shared over sweet breads that are not bread at all  

Glandular reactions, guttural permissions or denials
Cascading in the innate reaction to the first look upon a face, a body
An opportunity burgeoning or imploding within the possibility
Explained by ones penis or vagina reacting with the applause of blood flow 

Words, encyclopedic meandering sentences appearing out of crannies
Of pasts to volleyball conversations aloft to avoid the shattering dangers of silence
Exploding upon the table top into glances towards wallpaper or paint
On a ceiling to avoid the prolonged eye contact that lovers use  

Like Gatling gun ammunition barreling at each other for salvos of want
Burning each other alive with the desire of new found land
Staking claim for the evening like salivating canines ready
To have werewolf intercourse growling and furious
In Egyptian cotton high thread count sheets some hours from now  

Happiness momentary or life-long wrapping at the city
Like a broken levee prepared to enrapture the first story of every building
Hold back the water with such tiny turns of speech, realism, truisms, facts
Parrying fencing swords of attention to details overlooked in the pheromones
Of odor wandering off collars slipping into the octaves to earlobes
Tongues pressing over lips raunchy and mischievous
Like a sixth grade class watching the clock for recess  
Play time is different now, at this hour flinching in red rover
Broken by yard signs put out in history breaking the lines of defense
Like German planes blitzing London peppering metal  

Divorced, an eight year old daughter, fought like hell to be able to see here
Damned that to try to leave a town I have not been able to escape
Trying to deceive myself into believing in hope like thinking the wasps will not sting
If the chemicals concluded I was only passing through 

Depressed for more years than I can count, no pills, wavering doubts
Vagabond conscious I will always have myself, home is the breath in my mouth
Craving the occasional oblivion, wary of my own complications when staring beauty in the face, running away knowing the pace  

Has never set in sequence too fast, too slow, always off, always cold
To the summer, hot to the winter, sweating and shivering, stammering and inhibiting
Any measure of certainty, want to move on to what, to live where, to do what, to care
About whom, for how long, does it matter, is there a ledge to grab, a way to prepare  

Only flesh to stab with the questions of new nights exposing
First sights for a new face, the young victims of war games
I will always be weird inside, I will always be off
Love will never nest, broken eggs and smiles crest  

At angles compromised, weighted down by former lives
Assumption combustion by the date of demarcation
Then and after, craft the front of synthetic laughter
Courage for a daughter, to show her a well-adjusted father  

Another lie, another time, hearts are not muscle
Repair on its own, whatever happened, nothing but acting
Rise in the morning, commute, work, paycheck, storing
House in a town that killed me years ago  

Faces in a swimming pool drowned in the things I wish I never got to know
Friends are jesters with cattle prods shocking the water standing on logs
Giggling at my limp limbs floating in the deep end
No where to go just drinking the urine of the children staying afloat  

Pissing in fountains, wishing in cauldrons, deals with hags
Alcohol on porches and standing on double slabs
Metal, wood, concrete, insulation, glass, paint, epoxy, castration
Scrambled organ donor cardiac scooped and chucked  

Over a fence and eaten by none, not even the bacteria
The unknown microbes, the stomping of harsh times
Forget it all, never talk, never say, conversations immature for first dates
Peppering behind fences, cowardice cures, accusations  

Haunted mystery tours, no apologies, no explanations
No connection to the man that I was, to the man that I am
I am no one now, just a shell with a smile that is not a smile
Inches pretending to be miles, the hurt is right there a millimeter away  

I can stick, pivot, dance and deliver a placebo of man
A time and a promise of sculpture and delivering plans
None of it is real, the monster ate me and what you see is only her meal
Slumped in a pressed suit, wing tips and bright eyes  

A goddamn lie, tired of recycled well wish conversations as if facts will ever matter again

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