Thursday, October 11, 2012

Crossing Mount Olympus

Crossing Mount Olympus  

When you say Jesus, I hear Zeus
And therein lies the problem
Lightning bolt flinging monger on a mountaintop
Preposterous to you in modern reflection  

So in I see the same in whatever name
The cross, the wood, the Bible, the ramblings misunderstood
In step-language Aramaic to Greek, to puzzle-printed papyrus
To cemented credence beliefs  

An oasis Quran, a belly-fat Buddha, a truncated Ganesh
A three-foot ninja blade Yoda, hosted on a planet swamp
Blip in a universe scrambled eggs amongst infinite other universes
Galaxies, nebula; Silly goldfish, 

Ignorant to the poisonous ammonia
In their feces to other species
One book's joy is another’s dismay,
Revealed opportunity for reflection to explain; wars or 

The chosen, the beloved, the rationality for an all-of-the above
Floating in a trinity of magnanimous divinity
I will never again club my perspective with such historical limitations
Not for myself, my progeny or those in which I confide

I will not hide this clarity of perspicuity to communicate
That which is hazardous to my habitat
To imbibe in the Christ like chocolate-chip cookies for Santa
On the most blessed of nights; as if history and divine pause  

Created such bowel obstructions of American commerce
Evergreen trees, painted eggs, hippy-haircuts and attacks on gays
Aborting the welfare queens before politics can abjure them
Sit on a gilded Vatican throne before abstaining from   

Culpability, sex, parenting or the self-analysis for imperfection
That leads one to the precipice of regret; Nah!
Mount Olympus is humming with Poseidon, Athena, and Superman’s Dad
A normal dude on his own planet; but magical on ours  

Forsaken in a metaphor, governance in a paramour
Eternal ubiquitous love, blasphemous to validate or hold less than the crux
The pinnacle fulcrum on which all our lives teeter
Into perdition or paradise by an adjudicator’s meter 

Take the answer; take the cracker
Take the default; or consider the later
That there is an interconnected one; common between
Beholden to free-will and physics  

Innate to each cognizant of the impetus of existence
Genesis by that external to existence
Is a culpable capability to recognize our mutuality
And thus our benefit and detriment as a member of the whole  

By the repercussions and intentions of our choices
To go behind the looking glass without a guide book
One either embraces or fears such nudity
And so, much of the world is screaming
Blaming others as to why

Praying and praying with bent knees and empty hands the whole damn time

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