Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tomato Can

Tomato Can 

One day I will give myself permission to be happy again,
But not today, not with these views, not with this chest
I choose empty, because putting anything in just complicates the numb
Soak in the oblivion cuddling with the one  

Day at a time, seeing not even tomorrow, just a line
If I get there, I’ll see about it then
Hidden in the sunlight, rather resonate than speak
Vibrate faint in the radiant, frozen to death on an open street  

Crossing guards, Blockbuster is closed, no more rentals
Mortgage is due on the cold, have to pay the winter man
Knocking at the door, borrowed time from the time, from the time before
Jesus don’t want me, devil don’t care
Looking at a dust mite, see if he’ll stare  

Target focus, lost in the haze
Remember when weekends were open days
Absolution from work, opportunity to be exactly what I wanted
All I want now is an envelope to crawl inside, mail me away
Stamp the illusion of an introvert’s escape  

Lose me with the parcels, trample me under boxes
Free market brown, never deliver just a vagabond of consciousness
Maybe one day I will get back to this, but for now give me pause
Give me a vacation from depression, from analytics or confessions  

Set me to Santa, bring me to Wal-Mart set me on a shelf way in the back
Where I will never get held, I want to blend like a can of tomato soup
Air tight, like in utero of metallic canning, sluiced up into a compartmentalized standing
As not quite living, not quite dead, just not this and no more disasters  

Where I have to ask for someone else to forgive

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