Thursday, October 11, 2012

The only real question

The only real question 

Most people prefer not to contemplate such entrees as the meaning of human existence, the purpose of a quark, a leaf, a planet, or a star.  If we do, we quickly move on after creating a maze for ourselves.  We enrapture our psyches in parachutes of God, religion, or whatever happy-childhood answer to basic philosophical pondering a fifth grader could percolate.  Such quandaries break apart the eggshell of our present realities.  Fissures appear in the trips to the grocery store, the traffic commute rodeos, the tally of bank accounts or the numbing tranquil excursion of monitoring professional sports.   

When one ventures beyond the routine, the grand chaotic melee of holding one’s spiritual identity inside the shelf of an individual thought becomes possible.  Once this is accomplished an individual finds both true freedom and culpability.  The token do and do not’s of organized religion and governmental legislation wither like arthritic-bone crutches in the impertinence of physical stimuli, including our own bodies.   

The beauty and danger of the how we do what we do emerges like glare in a mirror that is was and is still not visible, but always present.  When we have a cognizance of that which has eluded us in our haste to perpetuate the illusion of routine, we can alter or ensure that routine does not deviate from that we now know we are called to be.   

Look inside yourself now.  Pause.  Examine.  There is no book or pulpit required to inform our intimate unshelled self the parameters of the proper harmonic replenishing nature of our actions.  In turn we are blatantly aware of what choices we could make that prosper a dissonance to the whole at the long term disadvantage to that which we belong.   

We see beyond limbs, beyond time itself, into the perimeter of existence, fluxing on the sands of where we are ceasing to be a singular organism and a collective being.  We see this, yet the shell is comfortable, placating, a hardened scab cushioning us from such inquiries.   

But for those who have and those who will, I see you.  I thank you.  The world is open.  Fear has no home, simply dead weight in a pack upon a back for the journey.  Liberation lives beyond the loneliness, the stark nothing, the flip side of a self to see in what is not a nadir, but a portal of singularity expanding from infinite density into an magnanimous and ever expanding universe of possibility, beyond time, beyond touch, beyond anything any one of us could ever imagine.  

The answer has always been there, all we need is to ask ourselves the question. 


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