Thursday, October 11, 2012

Check Signature for Summer Camp Expenses
(Four Years Later)

The parameters in place for a man confronting unexpected divorce
In love with his wife and children
Are a distortion of the precepts of the American judicial system
Was there a crime?

Apparently the lack of a criminal or civil charge
Negate the necessity for a presumption of innocence of such an act
As it is evident to the people that he is in appearance a male
Portraying the role of a parent on paper 

Severing a marital conjoined torso is overtly simplified in feminine hands
Freedom lives in the back interest owed on a three trimester uterine hotel stay
This trump towers, any secondary frivolous claims are paltry circumstance
Blood is a one-way highway, love has to exit now for detour roadblocks 

Police officers place in the center of the interstate
Flashing lights, must turn around to avoid the investigation behind the barrier 

Her syllables came out in absolutes truncating discourse
Like nerve endings cauterized in a molten slice
Coagulating plasma cold on her side of the body
Bubbling veins of roads redirected to a mud-slick creek bed on his  

Flip the pickup truck cab caught in the hollow created by the ditch
Doors will not open; windshield cracked enough to crawl out
Survey the wreckage, no bystanders only whizzing automobiles
Set on a destination   

Reasons live in vulnerability constructed from her cotton swab skeleton
Assuming his was welded steel smelted from directives
Ego, automaton for intercourse, gladiator blood sports, rifles, batons
Antlers, engines, lassos, nails, saws, lumber, perspiration, urine, stench 

The softness was wiping up, impinged with burden
Tolerating the troglodyte’s blunt curmudgeon demands
Locked her in his tower he did and this declaration of independence
Is a sanctified constitution for time served under masculine tyranny 

His choices: depart immediately or see his offspring and spouse
Reside with the more clearly defined in-laws, in either, there is no we
Why has no perch, why is a bird with infinite wings and no feet, perpetually aloft
Yet in reality he has been cuckolded by a cuckoo  

Ignorance and faith combat, yet hurt is the knock out punch
Truth, facts, reality, have no place in divorce
From point zero, the only words he could speak
Were ones of mitigation or compounding, all syllables are dangerous   

The idea of this morning there was a whole, an even, and the sense of this child
Created and raised uniquely by these two humans, is now severed
The preponderance of accreditation is allocated maternally
The absence of that equity is a spoon eviscerating the guts of fatherhood  

Debate begins internally how can he stand his ground
To retrieve his intestines on the curb?  Stuff them back
Like a father’s hand into a Santa stocking on Christmas Eve
Depositing the seed of glee and a job description  

Vacant, fired, a man without a job is penis-less
Hitchhiker, shoe-polish sign pick a highway, plant is closed sir
Forms trickle in the mail like flag bearing heralds before the army’s arrival
Legal fill-in-the-blanks, accusations, discovery procedures documenting  

If a man had private surveillance to document what he should have, but did not know
Boomerang accusations that he and is daughter were oil and water, combative, hostile
Rage bottled and spilled across the wood planks of the house he moved across country
Back to her rural home town to build her, abrupt like Macondo billowing plumes  

The charcoal and the slick-black beguile the townspeople,
Contrast whispers, not even whispered, he knows it is useless to speak
Paper says, children too young to intervene
The railroad horn explodes around two a.m. every night, insomnia 

Crying is impossible, at desk, return from work attempt, dry
Nothing comes out, emote a parched heat burning under each duct
Shivering wanting to expel, but the tone reverberates into a dull clump
Incapable of vibrating into a liquid equivalent of a childish tantrum 

Anger calcified into a statue of pragmatism and ration
She has castrated his communication in familial exile
Of which there is no blood painted on his door, other than the trickle
That exists in his daughter like a hanging election chad 

Arguable, mutable, capable of being redefined
Yet the link is a muzzle, explosions would terminate
Shrapnel surely misconstrued cast onto to her miniature shoulders
Dolls with severed limbs and scissor hair
Blame the disconnect on this man that is still where
She use to live 

No time to emit a memory, photograph’s hang on the walls
Nails behind, un-tape the collages, destined to live in mirages
Of memories blur in incantations that sequences never occurred
Repeated enough and neither her, her or I, will ever reside  

In that world, only this post-landscape readying for travel
Reconstruct for battle 

A year to trial, first crow March go home no time to hear
Second crow June go home no time to hear
Third crow September, six hours and perjury is easier for her to remember
He says this child has an overabundance of people who love her
I will lay down my dreams to be here for her  

No go sir, your dreams are vapid dust here
Smeared on parchments, signatures legal, days allocated
He is only doing this to avoid payments, love is now the absence of extortion
Pin it up, lynch him shut, power suit the power of a cunt  

Vows are like toilet paper, precious when white, useless once unrolled
Can not get rid of it fast enough, He finally found out about him two years later
Dating, married, fathered her new son  

Contracts, payments, check in the mail to a woman with a new non-maiden name
For his daughter’s summer camp expenses, review the electronic bank clearing
Another’s man’s endorsement on the back of the check

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