Thursday, October 11, 2012

Karma Redux

Karma Redux 

I must have been such an asshole in a past life
Call this morning, “Did you send us your resume?”
A former employer, the one that audited the fraud empire
No, not the publically traded one, the nonprofit one
With the left wing political scandal instead of the right  

Me, “No my aunt must have sent it based on a contact.”
Old secretary lady, who is apparently in charge of human resources
“So, are you interested in coming in for an interview?”
Me, “No”, Her, “If, you change your mind let us know.” 

Know, know, I know you pay shit, treat humans like cattle in a CAFO lot
And have no problem concealing federal crimes for a pay day
The evidence is overwhelming the mocking caws of crows
Want to return to your New Orleans, son  

Come back for the monsters of your past
Let them have another turn, the zombies of the present need rotation
Rural, urban, loneliness, the perversion of a semblance of hope
Cackle cough neutron bombs with a one liver blast radius  

Drown in bourbon that retread choice would bring you
No one else is listening only plump divorcees
Too tall or too fat, breasts hanging out with self discipline
Buried like a dog bone, generating the confidence of a rock  

Kicked from the skirt of a tire soccer-style to the buffer zone of an interstate
Stranded amongst grass blades and beer cans,
Half-smoked cigarettes and drive-through lane straw-wrapper flotsam
Misfits and polka-dot painted bed rooms in a house that will not sell  

The dog grooming van was too tall, I am sorry sir but it was too fucking tall
And that day that you laughed about how it was all too easy
Working out, coming together, did it blow up into maggot confetti
Because of the pessimism or pragmatic realism?  Which?  

If it keeps happening like a record is it resigned contemplation or
A fear of hoping rebounding like a railroad spike impaling a cranium like a piton
Slammed through a mountain skull fifty-thousand feet high
As if one more iteration elevates the climber a meaningful measure of progression  

As if each hammer thrust is an increment of upward
There is a summit, recognition of what was an inevitable and necessary climb
The valley on the opposing descent is joyous like overcoming the fear of a sky dive
That others reverse into joy in what it means to let go control to chance
To hope to rallying in the ninth inning and swinging for the fences
To know that beyond all historical context of logic, there was an opportunity offered
And the counterparty was eager to listen beyond the gutter population  

Of scavenger types, haggard brain-eaters, munching with dilated pupils
Zoning in on my dreams like ripe apples of blood drunk through vampire straws
Siphoning fuel from a renegade gas tank with the gall to conduct respiration
Like a living sack of flesh oozing a yearning to gaze back into the sun  

With middle finger up daring the world to try to make him blind
This skin will not sizzle, this speech will not stutter
These hands will not quiver into resignation, until ever bubble of air
In these veins reaches the pump house and topples the levees  

Or so I tell myself when I am feeling brave
Because that phone call was the first glass bottle to float upon this island in years
The confidence to dismiss it like another grain of sand is not a given
Ink blurs and towns shuffle, what I know, what I knew, what I could do  

I am afraid myself of the damage
The ship wrecks offshore under the water’s undulating surface
I know they are there, cackling in a cacophony of retribution
In voices of what I must have done to the ghosts of yesteryears
I must have been such an asshole in a past life
Comical explanations of free will and nature and merry go round
Because I do not want to be here and I do not want to be there
I want to have a purpose of this world and to matter to a beautiful soul  

I can find a mutual and re-feeding reciprocation of joy
None different and some how I suspect it will never be
I am meant to live this existence alone in perpetuity
Knowing what I am capable of, knowing I do not have the right  

To ask God for a damn thing, ever again

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