Thursday, October 11, 2012

Another Day in the Life, (Alan Greenspan or Ginsburg?)

Another Day in the Life, (Alan Greenspan or Ginsburg?) 

Garruff! Made-up words, made-up another day in the life
Focus on the haze, format the device
Goodbyes and greetings, activities misleading
Human body gyrating is red-tube entertaining  

Plug into the matrix television to pencil-erase definitions
Of what-to-do, who-we-are, scrape the lines
Blur for the bizarre, bomb-threat call it in
See the scurry explore another empty bin 

Bottle rocket to the sky, small explosion then subside
Kill the fuckers in the flames, die, melt the children, cry profane
What side are you on, pacifist, anarchist, murderer, victim?
Angel-human, snake-devil, roles and holes, knowledge cold  

Put the message in a box; fill the blank and no regrets
Racist religion and stove full of meth
Light the burner, gas-land heating the poles
Artic rumble set to explode! 

No time to write, only for the static
Reality dance off, cupcake war
Kierkegaard can stay on the floor
Buried rug of everybody wanting to vote for none-of-the-above 

Complaints for a system, no better plan
Listen to the squawk, vomit from the clan
Math is the demon confined, bark the trends
Who has the time?  

Standard deviation, median, mean,
Quantitative easing over analysis
Greenspan cut the crust off the white bread
Whole grain is for suckers; who eats the ends? 

Throw that shit in the can; kids want the Peter-Pan peanut and the jelly
Famine illusion on bitch-roll bellies
Store-brand sugar-rush class-war drug-fix
Canopy on the dole, arrogance and placated mistakes  

Can anyone explain to me how religion became the party of the rich? 
Stolen ideas: humility veiling tyranny, conspiracy for humanity
Transpose savior and oppressor.  Aborted welfare, middle-class, teenage-mother babies
Faces, voters, completion, engaging

Love, Oh Love! Where are you tonight?
Ginsberg on a holy Segway scooter
Let me on; I want death sooner 

Suicide in the lie, wild-animal on the loose
Have to rant the blog; she said his was this long
Neighbor comparison lawn is greener
Redefine the demon, algebraic airport security screener 

What does this cost; how safe are you?
X-ray scan bemoan the bearded man
Stay in Iraq; can’t take the slap back
Hornet’s nest, buzz the stings;  

Wanting peace is wanting everything
To slow, pull over on the side of the road
Have the purple parents talk, don’t divorce
Call the pitch a balk 

Adolescent umpires and irate fans
Obsessive instant replays; justice is irrelevant to demands
Ideology red and blue; I am right so fuck you
Ministry gone viral, kitten videos and embassy invasions  

Revisionist history and cat-scratch-fever mayhem
No insurance, banks can’t bust; too much at stake
Let the rust belt rust
Indian call center; no not this continent the other  

Modern slavery is more sophisticated; it’s publically traded
Buy the right to expel access, basic needs bum on the street
Who chooses between medicine and meat?
Sawed off roofs and blue tarps;
FEMA checks and West-Bank roadblock security checks

Slice interest rates like a melanoma biopsy
Razor thin to stimulate the blue-pill erection economy
Spunk another trillion to keep the orgy going
Spark-match another war Iraq to Iran
Can’t we finish Afghanistan? 

First, nah, drum the drums, confuse the Arab spring 
For a partisan rumble; as if the world was an American toy
To scratch the paint or yank the legs on our Woody-Walker cowboy
Fear is an addiction that makes a people want control  

Of every country, every will, damn the souls
Dylan says we have God on our side
Good enough for me; German banks parenting Greeks
Austerity measures, debt extremes  

Pension funds, excess-square feet
Arms can’t stretch, Mos-Def
“Mean streets, even when it’s free it ain’t cheap”
Pimp rims, gold teeth, car elevators, dancing horse feet 

Presidential stacks, promise land-fills,
It’s not a lie on the take-back prescription red-pill
Down the drugs, pharmaceutical stock went up
Profit elasticity; company says health is a free market
Shut the fuck  

Medical device twenty bucks to make;
Charge three-thousand on the uptake
Previous condition exclusion; drink the Kool-Aid
For election time amusement  

Circus tent munch the LSD popcorn
Tomorrow never knows, relax float down stream
There are no screams only stimulus
Unrestricted bank accounts and missions accomplished  

Redefinitions of love and war, peace and stores
Million dollar bonuses before the taxman comes
Beginning and ending have become one  

Greenspan and Ginsberg
Holding hands on Willy Wonka’s ferry
Chocolate river, sugar or shit
Pollution or nutrients  

Theological Misprints
Horse Dressage in the Olympics  

Priorities, disparities, vomit to digest the clarity
Got to admit it’s getting better
It’s getting better all the time
I read the news today, Oh Boy!

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