Thursday, October 11, 2012



If you ever read a poet’s words
On screen, on paper, on lips
Occasionally retort  

Egos are like switchblades
Held captive in pent tension, passive and blunt
Yet sprung in instance to impale the handler or
Those within approximate space  

When forces succumb to the natural gravity of expansion
The examination of catacomb psyches and carnivorous coronary ventricles
Posing as juice for the engine to assuage oneself that the light is lighter
Or the dark is darker, but it is all the more comfortable blanketed in the shadows 

This penchant for spelunking blind without mammal wings
Or echo location leaves one rabid at times
For a response, a kernel of knowledge that some part of this mining
Is somehow registering as valuable outside a gemological institute
Using a customary system of weighing metaphors for humanitarian exchange 

Writers often write, because something is not right within
Busted as valve or sewer pipe molded and crackled with k-hole confidence 
Racing thoroughbreds of the mind for some bent ray outside
Where some resource of soil takes root admixed in the loneliness  

Reverberate the legislation of cocaine or heroin; how many addicts wax ecstatic
Thinking art and an enlightened mind made anything but a skeleton-rack of lazybones
Rattling prattle of self-diagnosed morbid battles of how the sinew was stripped
The cancer spread; whose fault it was and whose lover fled  

Aghast! Preposterous! Futile! Monstrous!
Kill! Mame! Murder! Pray!
Save the bastard in his rants, words parading out his coffin-mouth like ants
Armed with barbed blades profiteering off a manufactured mistake 

No subject, no genuine, no saint, no contagion
Just an intolerable child whining aloft in the audacity to speak
How is any writer to learn unless busted like a balloon
That this was valid or this was invalid? 

Condemn, analyze, give a man the decency of an executed death sentence
Nah, walk out on me like a Beatles song and never speak again
No professed hate, only brazen indifference, the perdition of any true writer

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