Thursday, October 11, 2012

Out of Oz

Out of Oz

I just wanted you to know, because maybe you do not
Maybe you are oblivious or shielding yourself, maybe you forgot
But you destroyed a human being  

As far as human interactions go
The arms, the skin, the looks, I might appear to be standing
But I am not, I am devastated from functioning properly 

I had expectations back then, at least for a time
You crushed a man, pummeled, dented face
Socket bones crackled, swollen and left for dead  

Vulture meat, carcass carrion and the go-about
The re-marriage, the old-house, the child
Your new baby like a balloon out of Oz 

I am stuck here dented in tin,
Hollow metallic chest echoes
Remembering the shoes left in the closet  

The challenge was set in the absence
Of what the fuck did I do,
So wrong, so offending, so extreme, so unrelenting 

Perpetual chase for unspeakable answers
The obvious and the ethereal
Sunday mornings and no Jesus in the steeple  

All the women, they all feel like taint
Cold rapscallions bent on chastising my existence
Repudiating the fact pattern since my entrance  

To intersect, to attempt to divest
This vampire out my chest
Exchange the hollow for a swallow  

Of medicine in an attempt to ever love again
Preposterous, destroyed a man, never wants to try
Just give me the numb, it is what I wanted to begin with  

Dirty secret, if not for you, I would have had my beautiful oblivion
Out there so gloriously alone, paired with my loneliness,
Dancing in a scandalous affair, just her and I and not you 

Time to myself, fungus in the cave, forget the consequences, Get to be a nothing

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