Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Father Watching Winter in Spring

A Father Watching Winter in Spring 

I miss you every day posing as if one of us
Is deceased depending on the hour
Contemplating the only rationality for such distance
Is death  

Yet, I am posing as a father alive
Taking to the streets, the dinner table,
Breakfast of a singular cereal bowl in repetition
A fortnight in between  

Seeing your face, like nine months
Your mother’s blood, the yell of announcing Sarabelle
Cutting the umbilical and shimmering up your mother’s gullet
After holding her right leg for the pushing  

All of this time seeing your eyes knowing every day hence
Would be different, but the definition of your existence
“I do not live ‘less I live in your light.”*
So I am a ghost, I will imbibe death 

Slow the beat in my chest, dull the weight
The pulsating fervor to intake the call to call
The pull to dissolve the sugar in milk, the urge to drink coffee
Wake and accept who will; 

Raise you and witness, accept and forgiveness
Parts truncated whelps; time knocked off the shelf
Split and it is shattered on the floor of what matters
To me on what will grow into you at sixteen in July  

As if I am a phantom; a phantasmal image of a man
Witnessing only in the refraction of light off a window pane
Sunsets on Sunday nights like a vampire approaching daylight
Fridays evenings like a werewolf reprieved from the full moon 

Imagining your partners, the man you will dance with
After your first dance with your husband
Shoes and excuses like tissues for tears I am crying today
Secluded in the bleachers of your little league soccer escapades  

The names, the names, the town, the refrains
Repeat and complete and silence is the only vantage replete
With the bastion for your father to ration
It is necessity for one of us to live as dead; zombify and better me instead 

Hanging onto Carpathian soil, tangent
Like a spirit spliced in the realm that slivered-me,
Believing in a fragment of a memory in order to occasionally hold your hand
I am alive again; for a light beam bending I recollect what love was  

In the sending of an embrace; as if that is what I might call
The tide of hours churning life; to savor a moment among perdition and paradise
Transposing revolutions right here on Earth in the belly of what
I cannot disperse or embrace in full  

The lack of lactate, the hirsute armpits; I was never fit
To do anything alone, but to live; I am cactus
You deserve to dance in the rain puddles; your mother can give you a flood
But even a cactus blooms; I will give you every petal I have  

Butterflies landing; I keep praying to a religion-less God
Knowing this path is not so novel or arduous to trod
But, I miss you every day, knowing I try not to make you miss me  

Because there is the wall between spirits and men,
Bones and what a father has not the luxury to pretend  

Is so close to death; the cold, the frigid, the needle
Right at the edge of the tinder; poked and ablaze
Combustion and a girl may never have a Virgil-guide out the maze
To get to sixteen or thirty or a day past the learning  

I am no martyr; no saint; full of mistakes; balancing the tolls for the road
Pockets heavy or light, guts crunching for the insomnia of midnight
Empty pink bedroom down the hall and the poster tape holds for now
Flower paintings, Scoobert Doo, Adventure Time and I love you’s 

“I do not live ‘less I live in your light.”*
“I do not live ‘less I live in your light.”*
“I do not live ‘less I live in your light.”* 

I will show you what it means to be alive, by breathing into my insides.
I will show you what it means to be alive, by breathing into my insides.
I will show you what it means to be alive, by breathing into my insides. 

Life is not a capsule of a one or a two; but a grand universe unfolding anew
Not a strawberry-sized town or a New Orleans birthplace to bound
Assumptions or resignations; no white flags; caring about more than the obvious
Spring is but the urge to retort the sun with self-permission for our seed to grow 

So know; every day I die and am born; saved a thousand times more
Hitchhiking in the highway of your eyes, thumbs up to confide
I will never resign, lest I douse those delivery room cries
You call out to me in my sleep; in a triad with two other memories  

A cacophony of rationed choices; blindness, sadness, and presence
Lovingly yelling at me to live in the tones that somewhere is home
Ulysses, go find it, sail seas and combine
The choices of men with the urge to amend by simply living 

Within the oceans of volition, free-will honest promises
Trade-winds, beaches, islands, hurricane speeches
Of why this, why that; rowing on despite the wind
In the motion of these arms; I attempt to give the world to each of us 

*From the Avett Brothers, “A Father’s First Spring”

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