Thursday, October 11, 2012

How Others See Me

How Others See Me 

Occasionally my ego swirls to ponder
How random perceptions of my self may percolate in others
Based on my misanthropic and baleful appearance
Communicated in the nuances of my stoic face and
Laconic and taciturn tongue whipping  

Apathy and loneliness duel when encountering
Passing conversations of surface dwellers
As a tree-rodent still on a trunk
Praying snakes will not climb to the branches  

Left alone, contemplating the singularity of the universe
Rebounding into acres of atoms as sand grains
In context to the solar flares and nebula
Listening motionless about gnats pondering  

If one gnat would suck another gnat’s toe for a million dollars
Hypothetical realities like middle class American’s playing the lottery
Voting Republican and misunderstanding macroeconomics
Destinations of dollars, working, bodies too mangled to listen  

Participation opted out, curmudgeon sanction levied
Cattle mooing midnight to noon, eight-hour lunches
Cud mashed, ground into chalkboard fingernail buffets
Of indigestible confluences of topics, which if I had six stomachs
My body could not digest 

Vomit versus eructation, success in a zombie’s nutritional needs
Pop clear-channel radio drive-through lane chicken sandwiches
Branded through the feathers with the embryos of Jesus
Fertilized Saints surviving the hen house for a greasy wrapper
Somali-famine me, bulge my entrails before consumption
The dance beat is vampire-glamour hypnosis
Penises and clitorises gyrating for distraction
I want in and out, yet my body is broken over an ascetic-ethical balance beam 

Either/Or, Neither/Nor, Mozart is a crack dealer
A trillion faces all the same, a trillion souls all one
See me as the Frankenstein creation, patched and robotic
This skin-rack is a cavernous empty cavity excavated for its minerals long ago 

Self-inflicted or victim, does not matter,
Indifference is the great pandemic contagion, We all die the same.

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