Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fear-Based Economy: Follow the money

Fear-Based Economy: Follow the money.   

The get-paid-what-you-can while-you-can self-entitlement and self-allocating attitude from the welfare princesses to the stock-market kings has created a desert of mirage economics.   

There are two polarized groups of entitlement assholes.  One is the hustlers who do not try to maintain working income inside the tax system in order qualify for a hand out from taxpayers.  This character in society is marketed as a devil to funnel voting interests from middle class Americans to reflect their frustration on blaming the indolence of the bottom rung into viewing the “job-creators” on the top as having earned their spot.  This equation becomes one of toil and provider energy that adults exert to purchase the inventory of Wal-Mart to perpetuate the growth of their offspring.   

Middle-class work is contributed like rats pushing for a pellet down from the management and stock holders of competing corporations.  This plays out in a game to veil and mitigate taxes paid on profits through K-1 chicanery.  The cycle of payments becomes less circular and more vertically linear daily as more wealth is held in a stalactite on the ceiling of the macro-level cave economy.  The cave now envelopes the globe.  

Corporations have become monster-sized sucking up the resources country by country dripping out the tax effects to pit America and Italy against Luxemburg and India.  Games are played with trillions in currency by behemoths who can sell toilet paper a nickel cheaper.  Humans jostle in the pit, fighting over crumbs from a haughty beard.   

The infrastructure that allows such commerce is a collective good of society as a whole.  The domineering and leading market stimulators in the economy are the publically-traded corporations and the governments.  These players differ most in terms of short and long term goals manipulating and profiting form this infrastructure.   

Government operates based on election cycles.  Corporations operate on indefinite product life cycles dependent on market demand and technological advances which truncate the benefits offered to consumers.  These cycles are exponentially important when we have a generation of consolidated digital wealth transferred to maximize short-term owner’s vested interest.   

The world is in a Ponzi scheme taking place daily on trade floors.  Goals have been to boom an equity price and sell out at the peak forcing the purchasers to hold a debilitated asset, which appears healthy on the outside, but has been exploited like an athlete on steroids which will invariably decay in the long term.   

Corporate raiders play out these expeditions not based on productive values, but on the panic mentality that is the ultimate pandemic to our ruin, the barter of fear for greed.  The greedy cultivate fear amongst the sheep to purchase, change their vote, and protest what will be to their profit and convince human beings to vote against their self interests to avoid a manufactured fear.  This happens most often with terrorism, religion, tax rates, agriculture, education, and health care.  See the common threads between xenophobes, disgruntled pick-up truck drivers, pew squatters and the empty threats politicians hold over their heads while standing in front of the American flag.  

The anarchy these mongers fear most is a nation of individuals who realize that Americans spend money on irrelevant brand names in the wealthiest country on the planet that is also the most self-defeating by the exploiting inefficient practices we perpetuate because we would rather allocate dollars to addresses our fears than towards reality.  

We demand extravagances uncorrelated to the prevention of famine or homelessness, while ignoring core competencies in practical skill-based educational systems to avoid famine and homelessness.  We relish a degree over the skills that accreditation has conferred.   

Americans too often fantasize about one day becoming rich, as the dog at the track catching the metallic rabbit.  We allocate innate individual responsibilities to lottery tickets, angels, the social security office, and damage to our societal infrastructure outside the corporate umbrella.  Corporations garner profit from activities in our Earth’s environment and the social rungs creating poorer health, economic dependence and diminished self sufficiency in our compartmentalized global society.  A domestic corporation can exploit America’s trade deficit, while benefiting form the platform of our taxpayer’s government to hock its wears.  This disparity of externalized costs is only possible through a false fixation on a mythical upward mobility.  

We see that no one we know ever become wealthy, therefore we move in two directions, anger and fantasy.  Becoming rich must be magic (the lottery ticket, angels) or a scam (social security, corporate greed.)  The lack of math, logic, science and unbiased press fosters an environment ripe for rhetoric and sensationalized story-boarded to perpetuate pre-formed conclusions. 

The reason we do not have a single payer health care system is because our fears pit us against the idea of a poor man who has not earned his coverage going to get healthy and we will have to work and he will not, yet Medicaid already exists.  Medicare already exists.  Health insurance companies are ancillary carvers of profit through administrative expenses and inflated costs inside a system due to legal quagmires.   

The reason governmental pensions are broken is because governmental pensions externalize market risk to the taxpayers through guaranteed returns.  This paradigm is defunct in the private sector.  Pensions only profit based on exploitation.  Either excessive market returns create profits higher than promised benefits or current workers finance current retirees.  As the percentage of retirees is exploding the system has crashed.   

The combined state level debts in these areas are commensurate with the total federal indebtedness in trillions.  The inevitable governmental bankruptcies related to this flaw, has manifested itself in the tea party movement to compel working class Americans to correlate economic and social freedom with the reduction in taxes as an intransigent constraint for the expenditures and in turn the imagined non-payment of this liability.  In reality, a fluid combination of moving towards governmental IRA’s and 403b’s and increased taxes and reduced taxes in practical areas should trump ideology with math.  No one seems to want to do math. 

The reason we go to war is because if we do not use our military, funding the fear will appear all the more irrational.  The difference between that which we believe we are protecting ourselves from and that which we are actually protected is an improvable variance.  This measure of security is exploited in a measure of our tax dollars exponentially higher than the average person can comprehend.  The expanse of this differential is directly correlated to the fear of our nation.   

America is not a Christian Nation.  Whoever insists that God equals Jesus as anything connected to government is superimposing their dogma on others trampling the very freedom that individual is utilizing to practice their own religion.  Every Christian should ask if the majority where Hindu or Jewish, would they wish the American government to perpetuate ideology consistent with a religion divergent from their own whether the idea’s contained made practical sense or not?  We must be humble enough to strip the practical benefits from our ideologies to present ideas for their merits, and not for their historical attachment to our personal cultural ethos to compensate for our own insecurities about our identities as both social and spiritual beings.  

Abortion is legal.  Every conservative group pumping money to end abortion and mourning fetus terminations should instead funnel money to feed, house, and raise every child the groups claim to love.  Instead the same side of the aisle attempts to cut food, housing and health care subsidies to the poor.  So in lies the hypocrisy.   

Recognize the real problems on two fronts: humans copulate producing unwanted children and two the average middle class family in America has reduced their family size in unprecedented manners due to the financial constraints of modern society.  If Abortion were ever criminalized the financial burden on the middle class to subsidize birthed children the poor can not afford to fund without an increased tax burden on the middle class would exacerbate divergent birth rates even further.  

We long ago passed a tipping point of firearms per capita that makes gun control a lost cause like trying seeing a damn broken and throwing a log in its path hoping to stop the flood.  The occasional mass murders by an asshole with an automatic weapon are part of the deal.  
Jibber Jabber side notes:
Who do we identify with?  The mystery
Sympathy for the devil song meaning, introduce who are the devils?  

Authority figures are threatened by cannabis because free thinking leads to a chaos that usurps the pacifying cultural constraints of marketed fear.   

The reasons humans obsess over the space program is our fear of dying on an obsolete planet and our insecure narcissistic lust for immortality.  

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