Thursday, October 11, 2012

Moving with the Great Intent of an Enlightened Man

Moving with the Great Intent of an Enlightened Man

Internal consciousness inside myself sound the alarm
I am ready, not necessarily prepared or capable, but
For the purposes of such malleability I am that desperate
I am huffing daily in the stench of an inability  

To continue to embrace this stage as an acceptable form of being
The routine is not deplorable in any actual definition of torture
But my mental ability to be in any way interested or invested
In the betterment of this current enterprise is all but exasperated  

I remember coming here as a contingent mandate
In order to obtain resources in coinciding activities
Which this appeared to be the least negative of the possibilities
Given the constraints of travel and monetary compensation  

The exterior factors rationalizing such thinking
Are not only deceased, but in most respects reversed
So that the very surroundings that produced this negative as a constant
Actually inverse this given as now neutral in comparison  

Which is a delusion of all that can or could be considered sane
The hive has boggled my thinking and clarity has finally found me
That I would rather live meekly than be a zombie capable of affording satellite television
Strike me, please strike me into a new foray, a fresh plate, for  

What is it that I would most like to be if possible
I would simply like to be able to talk to people about their feelings,
Their thoughts, their introspective mandates and the avenue of psychology
Appears now like a beacon, how can I get there, how can a man change his life
Reinvent his possibility in this economy, I am not sure  

But if I could some how sell this house and find out a program
Of great refinement which would allow me to enjoy the life I had once
Thought possible, Ah But this involves a start and the great statement
That this accounting, this numeric tracking is far from my best adventure  

My vocation is in fact a farce and a trudge through the boring components of life
If anyone could have told me that these natural actions crafted inside yourself
Were in some ways unique or that they had value
I can only imagine the audacity to assert that any part of me was good  

But in the preposterous claim made boldly without raucous laughter 
I might speak, I might do, I might come to the table humbly to realize
That the only adventure is not to afford retirement, but in some ways self fulfillment
That life is intended for living, that life is not a receipt at a place of commerce
And the possibility exists that the fangs of this economy need not only
Lead to blood letting and man after man found drained in the streets
Of the mere pittance he was capable of producing given the plethora of  

No work here signs, the no longer needed, the machines taking over
Robotic and population boom, spanking each child into this world with an apology
That they were not better left alone as segregated sperm and egg
Wrestling out there in nonexistence and now burdened with the search 

The looking for sustenance for a mouth, for a heart, for lungs
For common dwelling, for speech to converse as if any other human
Preferred they exist, then they not exist, this is the grand contradiction
That we wish to try at all given all that is against us  

Spending day after day typing numbers over words
The reporting, the accounting is all historically irrelevant
I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t give a fuck no more
Nothing really matters to me!!!!! 

The apathy is now exuberant that the penalty for the out
Is better than the peace of the now, why can’t I?
Why can’t I try?  Why can’t I learn what it takes to become a therapist?
The years, the debt? The lack of support, the wondering, the wandering
The telling why doesn’t make me feel like I can do it now? 

Maybe I lived, maybe I saw some pieces that were monsters before
The idea that I had any sort of advice to give appeared so daunting
For in the world I knew no one but myself and now
I know myself so well that maybe that was the power of the all  

To dive internally, rather than externally and in therapy
I could possibly teach this craft, for all the answers are a drilling
Into ones own being, rather than rafting through the rapids of dance floors
Or grocery store aisles, and I see my own detriments as a blessing 

And partially as a varied flavor from the bland capable of doing
What so many can as normal, yet I find nearly impossible
So it is in this dichotomy in which I find a semblance of hope

So do I dare, try to work and take classes, take off, what would I need to do?
Maybe she will know, maybe I can tell myself
At least I can ask, at least I can dream with skin and fingers

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