Thursday, October 11, 2012

Familiar Fetor

Familiar Fetor
New low cut like a root burrowing towards methane
Imprisoned in a bubble ticking to be ruptured
Injecting the vein track of blood back to the heart
With viral deposits crafted by time and the Earth  

Like cackling bedfellows smirking as the taint
Corrupts the countryside of ambition into fallow complacency
Want oxidizes in the robust obliteration of ignorance
There will be no change.  This poison is permanent.   

The old world churches, the bell towers clanging
Pews of peer-reviewed tomes bound in pages of yesterdays
Hiding the never was, stuck like semen gluing the paper
To dismember the table of contents into conjoined missing links  

History mangled in the attrition of conjunction
The face and ass spoil the innards with a one-skin body
Explaining the situation in the simple purview of an analogous being
As if the spectrum were spliced into a single hue  

Taste and smell are rancid, the feces of a canine clumps
In the grass somewhere in the perimeter undetected by sight
The winds reveal and compel the attendees to comment
This is all there is, I thought there was more  

Olfactory consistency breeds compatriots
To rise to find a fresh pasture, but the odor is ubiquitous
Like a hound on the trail of a escapee kept at an equidistant danger
The scent is never closer or farther, but present like the skin that holds a body  

As a defined structure, so that beings can tell where one being ends
And the other begins, these laundry assembly lists of dictionary solace
One heart, two feet, two lungs, one nose, two ears
Stretch of skin, length of veins and arteries is variable and a  

Non-specific determinable variable that is rarely considered pertinent to count
The numbers, the math is everything and nothing, the ghost we chase
Knowing we are not the only one to detect the disturbance
Yet so rarely ever speak

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