Thursday, October 11, 2012

Stare Straight Through

Stare Straight Through 

I do not understand how any adult can participate in the activities of 
Hoping, praying or Dreaming, On a practical basis 

Investing in any such festival is by definition a dalliance away
Into the level of the childish
As one is investing energy into another solving ones problems or curing ones ills 

Such reliance is every way segregated from everything life has ever shown me as real
Parents do for children, based on narcissistic indulgence
To perpetuate oneself or to be loved  

One can measure these pursuits as fueled energies
Of dopamine or serotonin in a neurological enterprise
As when one is happy, one can fool oneself into believing
In a God, another human or a force of nature to abide  

By a force beyond free will or science, yet
The fallacy of such is merely a sacrifice to the cult of justice
As if one who does good deserves good;
Or some such the inverse given depravity 

Some may argue my depression fogging the banks
Of my consciousness away from optimism petitioning for Prozac
The drugs are the relay baton of the matrix of purported joys
I would no sooner down the red pill or the blue
Than to call the emperor clothed and his tapestry majestic 

A pox on the house of felicitous flag waving!
Give me my stone, my gray-granite soup of indigestible crud!
Let me die in a suicide machine of my own creation
At least I am a life-giver, a freedom fighter betrothed to the rebellion 

Stampede the elephants, brand the donkeys!
Form your armies against me!
Useless, feckless herds of swamp disguised as Disneyland!
I prefer my sanitarium of sterile isolation than the sanitarium of oblivion  

There is no hope, no dream, no prayer, no justice anywhere
Only chance, free will and science, stab my side, slay me through,
Icarus is melted; the sun burns; immolate my face staring
Un-flinched into the sphere of the fiery tempest!

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