Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ranting on Shit-Wrong America

Ranting on Shit-Wrong America 

End Private Health Insurance Companies
Create a Single Payer System
Implement a Federal Tax based on adjusted gross income
With Deductible and co-pays based on current adjusted gross income
For those under fifty-five and historical AGI for those over fifty-five 

Create national web-based software through a centralized website
To facilitate the accounting, scheduling, purchasing and preventative care
To allow humans to make their own appointments and see the
Per-service costs paid through quarterly updated federal tax returns for options
To finally link Cost of care with ability to pay, with price before optional service
For American healthcare when applicable 

End all direct payment assistance for anything other than
Electronic payments directly to supplier
For food or housing to prevent famine or homelessness 

Create a digital linked UPC code scan technology
Required for vendors to participate in food program
Based on nutritional impact per dollar per weight thresholds
And available food supply in national database from interlinked
Farmers and manufacturers for local producers to put food in local stores
Limit purchases in stores to these marked items 

Require per-city rent limitations on housing based on an analytic of square footage, and the number of bed and bathrooms for participation – open it up to any building, Allow amount to be used as a housing supplement.   

Base the combined subsidies on negative income tax theory
Allow a state-set amount of W-2 income independent of marital status without reduction;
End all additional subsidizes of offspring at one
Provide free birth control through single-payer health system
Including voluntary vasectomies and tubal ligation to any taxpayer  

End all tax deductions for
Contributions to religious organizations on Schedule B of the 1040
With the exception of dollars spent on health and welfare programs
Conducted by religious organizations through separate nonprofit corporations
That separate church and state
Any dollar spent on meals and entertainment for a business  

Lower Corporate Tax Rates by five percent
Increase the highest Individual tax rates by five percent 

Decriminalize marijuana, cocaine and heroine
Treat addiction as a disease inside the medical system
Not as a crime inside the public safety budgets 

Downsize the military in the form of war machines
We purchase. Invest in data-mining, computer offense and defense  

Close the prison in Guantanamo Bay, charge people with crimes or release them  

Create a national department of education website capable
Of providing every teacher in every grade from preschool to graduate
Web-based software designed by top-educators and software design teams
As a starting point of every curriculum, use laptops and tablets to put
Education in the hands of any person in the world for free
Allow local teachers to choose options to adapt to the classroom and
On some levels to each student in the classroom  

Use this software to replace every textbook purchased by taxpayers in America
Integrate dynamic homework; create in-person testing centers for remote college students
Allow home school students to use software;  

Create web videos on a website for every career in America, starting in junior high
Detailing post high school educational requirements including tuition, salary expectations
And the evolving number of people employed in those careers in each state
To describe their daily work and personal life living in that career
Allow the student to guide their interest; make the website public 

Foster a system of non-profit public charter schools based on stipends to allow parents to select schools with more restrictive educational or extracurricular requirements that fit their child.  Allow these schools the benefit of the web-based system. 

Make all educational videos and software available to every prisoner in America
Ban television, other movies, weights or entertainment from every prison in America 

Invest in the smart grid to integrate solar and wind electricity
To better our economy and the planet, invest in putting
Solar rooftops on government facilities to lower long term energy costs for the public 

Create a website to conduct all state and federal public bids for government purchases and state contracted pricing to create economies of scale, crossover-efficiencies, and transparency to interconnect the information for all fifty states and the feds. 

Limit federal office campaign spending based on per capita census data in that state
Overturn Citizens United 

Do not allow federal Congressman, the President, Vice President, or any member of the Supreme Court or their spouses to own any minority share in a publically traded stock
Candidates must divest ownership within ninety days of being elected to office 

Congressional staffers are banned from becoming lobbyist for ten years after job 

Conduct more frequent census counts
Through coordinating digital information through a web-based IRS
Cross reference food or housing subsidies with the digital IRS 

Replace all direct-benefit retirement for all government employees with direct contribution in IRA’s or 403b plans.  Declare bankruptcy in states, if necessary to facilitate this change.  

Require all federal and state allocated funding to be based on census-based analytics in urban, rural and suburban areas to end “spend it or lose it” budgeting from year to year. 

End the 60 Senator “call to the floor” filibuster block
Allow 51 votes to mean a majority, Use a constitutional amendment if necessary.   

Require all local, state, and federal balance sheets to record the unfunded actuarially accumulated liabilities for all retirement plans for pension or healthcare to clue the American people on just how much debt we are in for budgeting 

The future of government is in assisting the nation by funding, designing, and facilitating regulated market superstructures to lower taxpayer cost and maximize public service value through websites and web-based software created with a combinations of field experts and taxpayer dollars.  Teachers design education.  Doctors design health care.  Mathematicians and computer scientists build the bones of digital technologies permitting large databases such as the IRS to communicate with the healthcare system in a secure and expedited manner.  

These are the grand challenges of America.  This is our moon landing.  This is our path out of this debt.

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