Thursday, October 11, 2012

At Least I have my Depression

The chalk board says dream
Dream big son for a declaration of who you are
To craft your own identity and existence
In the infinite options the blessing of continued successive breaths grants  

Money work, children, genetics, happiness
Endorphins, sports, chucking, conversations
The obliteration of boredom, depression
Modern man, fabulous times  

Vehicles, criminal tendencies, anarchism
Political rant vomit, indigestion, disagreement
Information, demonstration, propagation for a faith
In anything, to win an argument with an agnostic  

Debauchery burdened drunk that operates the buzzer
In my alarm clock independent of such mandates as time zones
And day light savings time, the sot bastard is cantankerous
His debate is clogged with mush speak that is a rain of cinder blocks  

You can not go outside in that shit, umbrellas are feckless
I tried to see my rainbow, but the cement in the cumulonimbus
Is pounding a Verdi anvil chorus pocket-book propaganda cacophony
Your biggest mistake son was wanting something  

Sit down, do not try, do not want, wanting is what started the rain
The flood, the hurricane it all comes in tandem with the wanting
Close your eyes, do not pray, do not wish,
Do not picture a face when you masturbate, only skin and parts  

The specific identification will lead to crushed toes
Under door frames attempting to wedge a suggestion before slam
Type, sort, do, button push, file, and trounce the bulging urge to want
Commute, switch to autopilot, re-commute to the idiot box  

Ingest microbes, power down, insomnia repeat
The aurora borealis is a laser light show of chicanery
Seventy-two hour work day, already had a lunch break
Drown in the al dente savoring bite of ethics  

Flavors twinge with the seasons and in all is a disdain
That none of this makes a God damn bit of sense alone
Streets on fire, burn me, I don’t give a fuck anymore
All the faces are meaningless, pointless, occupied

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