Thursday, October 11, 2012

Attempts at Vows

Attempts at Vows 

I will lift weights and exercise my heart three times a day
During the week and at least once a day on weekends
Three groups of five minutes, not much
But an attempt to feel more than dead 

I will quit drinking even the fake-zero soft drinks
The alchemy is suspicious
Only water during the week for lunch  

Hope, chase the wisp on a wing to a feather
Falling drifting somewhere, find the intent to try
Hold the enigma on a cusp of fruition
Impossible to touch, yet reaching  

The world has never felt smaller
Cinching in, I attempt to vow to make it bigger
To want something, to want to go somewhere
Everything, everywhere feels like mundane futility  

This place, that spot is another rectum’s depository
This price, that hole is enthusiasm neutered with experience
Breath short, gasping under the gravity of a sensation to urinate
The backlog is a heft, a bulk of bottlenecked crimp pipe  

Nothing comes out, everything everywhere is pointless
The running of the bulls, San Fermin, the trampling irrelevant hoofs
Stomping optional blood contributions, ancillary yelps for remembrance
I was here, avoiding the horns like bagpipes barking at the English  

Another name in a magazine, another homeless street bum
Another tragedy exploited as common place,
Another castle tipped like a Jenga tower, scuttle bricks flop like drowning fish
Another mouth-breather gulps oxygen somebody else paid for  

The saints are collecting interest on promises for good behavior
Revoked like a six time offense drunk driver’s license
Rubber stamped to roll right out there again to inseminate the heifers
With bulletproof testicles armor plated with the aroma of machismo  

Flash drive, data, interpretations of what matters, what is important
Computed, logic resolutions suggested and bypassed for a quarter pounder with cheese
In the do not get out of your vehicle payment window, slouch, enjoy, recycle

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