Thursday, October 11, 2012

A thought on health care

A thought on health care
Ten thousand plus Americans are flooding into Medicare-age daily and will be as the Baby Boomers confront their depleted 401(k)s and IRA’s from the 2008 market crash with an inability or desire to remain atop a dreadful economy. Workers are remaining employed longer to retain private health insurance to bridge a gap to unload into Medicare. Taxpayers will be bombarded unless we can reduce overall costs in the global health care system for the costly group of patients in the system, older Americans.

The private insurance world has been exempt from covering most older people and poor people. The affordable health care act attempts to force the hand of private insurers to interface with a much higher percentage of minimum wage younger workers and at the same time make reforms to guide the most cost-efficient care-focused practices on a federal level; in large part because the preponderance of dollars spent in all fifty states is going to go to older Americans through health car funded either through Medicare or by a private insurer that is covering an ex-state or federal government employee.

If we nothing, what happens; poor people end up in emergency rooms for basic services, private insurers continue to pick and choose and deny the unprofitable anomalies bringing them to the stoop of taxpayers.

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