Thursday, October 11, 2012

Caught in a Second Line

Caught in a Second Line 

I am a man affixed to the median of traffic
Parading through like fascist elephants
Marching over and nearly crushing with each knee bend
The legs are like spiders enumerated in duplicate  

As if pillars of perpetual motion
Assuring myself that their metatarsals are targeting my cranium
Yet they track to above, below, aside and
I stand staring 

The wrinkled elbows plummeting like fists
Hungry for my decisiveness to remain static
Cross or stumble, statuesque or crumble
The consciousness is murder  

I remember my New Orleans
I see her riding on a pachyderm in the distance
Float sixteen flailing beads at the peasants and politicians
Do I shift to catch or become a hobo? 

Will I get thrown like a beer bottle? gutter flotsam
Statistic to the chicanery of coins and cold drinks
Bars and social clubs, pleasure and poverty
The grand beautiful-ugly blooming right in front of me  

So I stand like a rose bush seeing the fork of black petals
A sprout in ghastly need of pruning back to the stem
To begin again; afraid of the highway of regrowth 

Excited and tepid, admixed in the decrepit notion
That this pale thorn extension rooted in this rural road
Is the truncation in and of itself to subside in a murk
Of the number and flavor of humans I will exert 

This energy, fertilized and pathologically galvanized
Into a mental metal of inscrutable cows and bellows
At pastoral moons in the cult of Dale Earnhardt, Jesus, and Tobey Keith kickass  


Move like Miles Davis
Smoking the heroine of Coltrane to find jazz,
Almost, but not Jellyroll or Marsalis, Rebirth or Fats  

And death comes in a second line of
Alligators, donkeys, shrimp, Catahoula’s crawfishing backwards
Across the neutral ground to hear the sounds of taking me away
Like two coins for the ferryman across Styx to a promised land  

Of what was, was a past life, a memory invented to provide the vision
Of what is life and what is a shadow, of where was bone and where was marrow
Sucked out and hollow to see the substance of men valued
In what cannot be seen standing firm when asked and then finding the
Strength of denying complacency its currency 
By finding the strength of motion 

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