Thursday, October 11, 2012



You see I am not capable of loving you the way you need
I berate the grid of who I tolerate my self to be
Far too much to ever find a parallel avenue for you to traverse
Even if you wished to attempt such folly 

I have convinced myself that loneliness is a constant
Preferable to the torment of being despised by someone
I had the childish audacity to attempt to love  

Intelligence, beauty, discipline, energy, effort
Lies, disconcerting conversations of words with
Whoever I wish would listen ignores
And whoever is willing is disqualified based on the ration  

Of my penis and or the contents of my skull
In disquieted disagreement with the compatibility of their cranial compartment
The energy required to move beyond introductions is incapacitating
Given the anchors of this zip code and the math of my career  

I must change, I am trying and I am not trying
What the fuck else can I do? 
I have nothing left, no remainder, nothing but flecks
Stuck to a floor only good for staring at to bring back memories  

An exponential inch away like two universal planes almost intersecting
But remaining tangent in perpetuity in a ballet of undulation
Approaching and retreating, approaching and retreating, closer and farther
Cognizant of the probability of the other dimension’s existence, yet incapable
Of confirmation through any sense that makes us human  

Mornings, lunch breaks from work, five o’clock digital ticks
Budgeting planning, anarchism, nihilism, rather watch the world burn
Than be teased by the bastard half-child of hope, a single chromosome deformity
Barking, taunting, grinning as if the hemispheres could ever unite in gleeful prancing  

Spit the bit, unhinge the script into an entire rearrangement of letters
Unfurling syllables like flags of states into smeared colors of fabric
Strewn across the poop decks of grand vessels trampled by rodents
Scurrying up from the galley, bombing feces on the stars and captain’s route map 

Smear the waste of it all, this pirate frigate is on course to oblivion
Arrived at drifting to an unannounced arrival centuries ago in an ocean
Where time is meaningless, the drift will never end.

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