Thursday, October 11, 2012

Red State Propoganda

Red State Propaganda  

Propaganda overdrive efficient manipulation to compromise
Dearest truths, core beliefs wrapped like taffy souls around telephone poles
Crashed in head-on collisions on highways paved in lowest denominator
Marketing campaigns hijacking the inarguable, inscrutable emotional buttons  

To be held up as corporate logo sanctioned paragons to hide a narcotic
In the candy-shell coating, slick the pill up with angst, anger, hope, sympathy
But never empathy, because the allure is the antithesis
The same lust that compels the masses to purchase lottery tickets  

Vote against ones self-interest’s under the expectation that status change is possible
Land of opportunity hysteria, comparing gilded hands to stolen lands
A red man sanitized in a polio blanket and a slot machine
Pull the lever and find Jesus, project a three rotating column jackpot  

Genuine thrill vomit out bread-disks stacking up like dirt for an anthill
Bring the bounty to the crimson queen dressed up and sexy in cavern beneath
V.I.P. club access, champagne blood-wine, glistening and sanitized insides
An anthropomorphic book that can walk and speak, hear and make millions believe  

Ink was squirted by the divine and the transmission like a virus
Now aligns itself with the defense of the unborn and a chicken sandwich
To stand for a tradition of separating the milk plate, transubstantiation
Into a health care drunk tank, no contraception pills only magical breading
To carry on sacred will  

Hold up the infants!  Hold up the virgins!
Hold up the martyrs!  Hold up the terms of service!
Trust, submission, equals sanctuary in a moral high-ground for eternity
Promised yet un-seeable, un-hearable, un-touchable, and
Imagine fucking all you want in it, yes there oh there lust can be infinite! 

But not here that would be disastrous, denial, repress and undress your wallet
In tithe, every man for himself, independent will,
If you tax the owner he will not afford to participate in commerce
He will just sit home with all his money   

God will not provide, you selfish mongrels, you asked for a hand
Pray again, atone, repent, I am the tax collector, I sit, you stand
You farm, I am the reason the pesticide is profitable
Never forget I open the skies and your effort is my favor

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