Thursday, October 11, 2012

How I realized I am an Agnostic Deist, confessions from a minority

How I realized I am an Agnostic Deist, confessions from a minority 

The cliché goes something like
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist
And so it is with great astonishment that at some age past twenty-five
I found myself not believing in the devil’s existence 

Jesus appeared like a crutch to me for those
That need a word to fill in the blank on a Mad-Libs page
I could at one point relate to the itch, sort of like masturbation of the spirit
Or some repetitive action we found out our beings are capable of  

At some age one figures out his genitalia,
but I guess some poor souls never explore themselves enough,
but that’s hard to believe 

The devotion to prayer, the kneeling, the transubstantiation seemed like happenstance
I thought about Catholicism, (my brand of choice at the time)
The sorcery really got to me, the homophobia, the second priest in my parish
To commit suicide made me chuckle that they really must not believe in this either 

I quit going because I started to believe in God without crutches
That the explanations, the certainties of a people having flesh dinner parties
Chugging blood and washing forehead vampire repellent on entry and exit
Seemed excessive and paradoxically lazy, it seemed a faith about mythology over acts 

I believe in God, sound, in the classical cosmological argument
Something outside of existence must have created existence
Pascal’s wager seemed faulty or at least counterintuitive to the punk-kid in me
If hell did exist, then God allowed it, so that would mean he really is an asshole,
So fuck him, put me there if you want, because I tried,  

You know I damn well did my best to be kind, to be loving, to be giving
To recognize that we are all connected and it seemed like the greatest barrier
On our tiny planet was actually religion,  

What really got me going was thinking about other planets, other universes
The other complex life-forms, capable of the same classical cosmological argument

Would we laugh if we read their scriptures, would we go to war, would we try to convince them about Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham or Rah; it just became silly
I imagined the God that created us, created them, the nuance, the litigation
It just seemed like government, societal control to avoid disease, to keep people from taking advantage of free-will and murdering, marauding and basically being assholes

We came up with some rules and then churches started to get in dick measurement contests and we ended up with the crusades and the jihads and nukes pointed at Iran 

I got out of that circus, so I love a lot of religious people

I understand and respect their point of view, but I really cannot see myself ever going back; sorry Grandma, I know you probably don’t understand and find my explanation full of uncouth deportment, but  

I came to see this free-will in me
What it is, why I have it, why any of us have it
Meaning of life kind of stuff
I have written thousands of words at this point extolling my meager contemplations 

In the end I will vomit another inadequate smatter to the page,
God does not have free-will, Free-will requires choice, Choice requires time
Time requires a before, during and after, God is outside of time 

We are here as part of God, segregated into existence
By our inability of complete assurance of what we truly are
Once we could be assured that we are part of God, we cease to be ourselves
We are not here to behave well for candy or to have our hands slapped
Or to posture as recycling sycophants to please an insecure deity 

We are here to enact that, which God is denied, choice
To recognize our interdependence or not
We are everything, we revert not to judgment, but to that which we do to ourselves
How we do what we do is all that is relevant 

I will quote one of my other rants,
“It is the why, in and of itself, innate, answering our own question
In the form of a harmonic resonance or dissonance we send as a chord
In a trans-universal echo booming not of any distance, but into our being
Constantly present in the bowels of our choice,” 

So I am what I refer to as an Agnostic theist
I no longer have a church or group meetings, I am sure we could,
But then that is how religions start,
I am sure the world is full of us, we pass you on the street smiling 

We don’t worship or believe in the devil or wish you ill, we don’t have a mascot
We pray, but probably not like most people, we are a minority in America,
But are we? I guess time will tell, either way I love you and wish you peace
Religious people, I promise to never try to convert you, you can try to convert me

I might find it amusing, Peace

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