Thursday, October 11, 2012

Anchor versus Sail

Anchor versus Sail 

Perplexed a bit
At the fundamental inquiry
Do I want to live? 

Iterated respiration, blood flow and consumption of nutrients
Perpetuates the question like a parade of commas
Seated in the waiting room at a government office
Signed in for a certificate of some sort
To pronounce punctuation officially, but the point never gets there  

Stuck in traffic, a vagabond, a wild-loose sense of dilly-dally
Banging keyboard alphabet soup at screens for mission statements
And bank accounts to rearrange transpose and vomit
Over dignified capitalist overtures to create, devise, and conquer  

As if planning and realization could comingle on a day bed
In a solarium, take it easy, meander fulfilled
Like a man who ate steak for lunch, instead of dinner, or instead of ever
A last rites sort of meal, that there was something definitive on the precipice 

Execution or congratulations, but all this is confetti of paper-hole punches
Spilled from an office-supply medieval torture device to segregate a triad
Of circular disks from a complete sheet, to be left wandering in an Inferno pit
Of wish-wash, only to be bungled for discard for the janitorial lady

That gets paid minimum wage and can still muster above minimum effort
Exceeding what my investment in this career my higher-education
Rewarded me with, to filter central data from gristle
I can filet a red snapper and use the bones for stock but I choose to throw it all out 

This town, this country paradise of,
At least I can pay my mortgage and no one is coming by
I could harvest nuts here, collect for retirement like a timid ovine clone
Unnatural, complacent, seeing that I am here for my offspring pretending  

That this chest inflating and deflating is actual breathing
I make grand plans for New Orleans smelling the death
The gunshot to the chest as a premonition like a stinger for attempt at escape
Or entering that toe to the step of claiming my existence from the craw of indifference 

Silently I hum to myself, maybe there, maybe in a quiet evening
I could have a moment to myself to meet a kindred soul
All of this rigmarole simply to cease being infinitely alone
Assured that nothing but loneliness is possible, so why even leave

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