Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Recap of The not so far reality of this economy, syphoning the bullshit

A Recap of The not so far reality of this economy, syphoning the bullshit  

The two factions in last night’s debate each stand on their own mountains of bullshit.  Obama has not had the balls to demand single-payer health care, because he knows people would call him a socialist.  He’d be screwed despite the fact that health is not a free market good and the macro-level technologies of a digital-based federally-funded health care system through dedicated separate federal taxes with current adjusted gross income fluctuating deductible and co-pays for those under fifty-five and historical adjusted gross income for those over fifty-five would make infinite more sense than our current stabs at solutions.   

However, the affordable health care act is a start and maybe the best the Democrats could do with an intransigent Republican congress betrothed in pledge to Grover Norquist and an all-out embargo on anything that might lead to Obama reaching a second term.  Republicans seem vehemently opposed to gay marriage, but none of the Republican men in congress seem to have a problem marrying Mr. Norquist to get out their primaries.  Cheat on your wife you can be a Louisiana Senator; cheat on Grover and your career is done. 

The idea that Obama Care raids Medicare to fund itself is bullshit; the two are interdependent.  Medicare and Medicaid are broken.  Current national discussions are more about each party not startling old people, because they tend to be single-issue voters when it comes to their health care.  So anything too complicated is off limits, which runs away from math and towards bullshit by both sides.  

The only way Medicare is salvageable is to reduce macro-level systematic health care costs.  The only way Medicaid is salvageable is to create a plan for more lower-income individuals and their employers to contribute to their healthcare costs, while more importantly funneling those individuals into lower-cost sensible healthcare rather than defaulting to the taxpayers and emergency rooms.  What we have now is a nation of minimum-wage part-timers defaulting to the taxpayers.   

The affordable health care acts seeks to emulate reforms from systems in Utah like Iron Mountain Health Care that Mr. Romney quoted to consolidate doctor consolations for better preventative sensible care, rather than racking up tests.  The panel to design systems of cost-reducing care-centered planning that mirrors this ideology to reduce excessive procedures to rack up billing to the federal government was repeatedly implied to be a death-panel or a care-rationing deciding arbiter by Romney.  This was done despite the fact there is explicit language in the affordable health care act to prohibit such actions.  I call bullshit for Romney trying to scare sick people, especially when the law does the exact opposite by making it harder for private health insurers to cut people off with life-time caps and exclude people with pre-existing conditions.  The panel is a start to analyze data, use math and for taxpayers to reign in the system that is exploiting us. 

Private insurers have extracted lower income, older, and long-term medical issue people from their business models, because they have been able to for years.  It is the ultimate bullshit that Romney, of all public figureheads in America, would denounce the core of this model based on Romney’s state plan that the affordable health care act emulates.  To act as if the economics of health care are so unique to one state versus another, ignores human reality and creates chasms of dysfunction as humans cross state lines to exploit state-based systems. 

Obama has put on a strong-front with the military perpetuating Guantanamo, the war in Afghanistan, and most glaring to me, the drug war.  The biggest hunk of bullshit to me is, Obama is always playing defense from weak areas on public safety spending that the Republicans would rail him over so he doesn’t come across as soft.  He openly used to smoke pot and with that hypocrisy he cannot even talk about decreasing his escalated crack-downs let alone the economics of ending marijuana prohibition.  

Trickle-down economics has never worked and it never will.  One test is if a higher tax bracket qualifying person would not start a business, that they believe they can make a profit at in America, because of a mutually-assured federal tax rate across all fifty-states.  In most cases state-by-state tax rates play a roll, because some businesses retain discretion between locating in places such as Texas of Louisiana.  The dichotomy is obvious when it comes to state income taxes.  However, this federal argument is moot given the blanket coverage of the federal government, absent an international component.   

The second test is once the high income individual achieves the tax savings, does he or she retain it to an investment account, or does that money filter back into the economy to hire more people or purchase a good.  Most often that money has been stagnant in an investment account, which is the primary strangle-hold on our economy and a blockade perpetuating the unprecedented consolidation of wealth into the upper-two percent of Americans. 

High end tax rates are around the lowest they have ever been and the suggested change is less than five points.  Each candidate wants to continue the Bush-ear tax rates for middle and lower income individuals.  Most of the sound economic science agrees with this logic, as lower income individuals spend what they have to live; higher earners do not.  

Romney’s level of bullshit stating that he will not lower the taxes of high income individuals is a blatant lie.  By simply continuing the 2001 and / or 2003 Bush-era tax cuts in their current form he would do just that.  The expiration or non-expiration of the reduction in the top end rates is of gargantuan economic importance to every billionaire that is financing Romney’s campaign.   

Corporate taxes do need to decrease to compete globally to allow more inflow to the United States, both candidates agree on that.  Individual tax rates are the pertinent issues, especially since the majority of small business are S corps or partnerships, which are taxed through the individual’s K-1.  

Our military dwarfs all other militaries on the planet Earth by a wide margin.  Anyone arguing that it is not too large simply is disconnected from any concept of deficits, realistic threats from other militaries and/or how what we do actually mitigates the threat of global terror.  The idea that on one hand Romney can claim to be for cutting the deficit and raising military spending rather than addressing areas of massive sensible reductions since we are trying to end our wars should be the discussion for both Obama and Romney.  The lack of discussion focusing on the cult of fear in America and the total insecurity to misconstrue such a discussion as an attack service people, is ignored because it is political suicide.  

The elephant in the room that neither party wants to address is government-employee defined-benefit pensions.  The government must transition to 403b or 401k style retirement plans for all employees on a federal and state level as soon as possible.  This is what was done in the private sector over a decade ago.  The vulnerability in this gap in the unfunded pension and health care liabilities of every state in the union is the key cog in the potential bankruptcies of states like California, Nevada, and Illinois.  You would think Romney would be all over this, but it is probably a non-issue because it is too difficult for the American people to grasp because it involves math, pension plan accounting, the stock market, labor unions and labor laws.  Unfortunately between the federal military and state teachers, policeman, firemen, municipal employees and every government office the impact on taxpayers is enormous.   

The scariest part is the unfunded liabilities do not even show up on the state or the federal government’s books.  The trillions in debt we talk about on the federal level, does not include the Social Security gap or the Medicare/Medicaid gap; it only includes what is currently due within the upcoming fiscal period.   

The other monster is the Federal Reserve which artificially represses interest rates so our federal and state deficits do not explode.  The manipulation of interest rates got us into this mess by not allowing mortgage rates to be tied to lending risks, which is the number one cause of the 2008 market crash led by the housing market spreading through securitized mortgages to almost every investment vehicle on Wall Street. 

We should be able to talk about what actually happened, how the bottom line is America just has to pay for shit we already bought and we are not getting any toys this Christmas or our birthday for the next x number of years if we want to get out of debt.  Nobody can run on that platform, because it sucks.  It’s a downer.  So we get this bullshit, where everybody has magical solutions and we avoid the evil words of Austerity Measures like a foul European plague, when that is exactly what we need and where we are heading. 

Romney last night transformed as centrist as he could.  He promised programs, benefits and tax cuts for the middle class, a strong military; he mentioned women to not come across as a misogynist; he mentioned God to not piss off the evangelicals; he claimed to be able to create jobs like mushrooms after rainfall and that economic growth is a panacea.  

He denied shit he said to get through the Republican primaries like Saint Peter before the cock crows three times or before the planet Kobold contacts him.  Obama came out passive, knowing he has the lead and trying not to be confrontational.  Hell, Obama did not bring up the 47 percent comments once.  The guy was just taking jabs, playing it like this was still the early rounds to see what Romney had left in him.  This was politics before substance. 

So you see when it comes to economics, each side has its massive level of bullshit.  You can decide who is more full of it and where our best hope springs.  The sobering truth is the down times of 2008 were only the beginning, independent of who was elected then or who will be elected now.   

The aging of the Baby Boomers and their inability to consider what will come after their time has left Generation X unprepared to tackle the debt they are required to obtain to achieve a basic education for a decent job and a decent mortgage.  This has left America vulnerable.  Jobs for low-skill low-IQ poor workers do not exist that can make ends meet in today’s America.  Those avenues are in India and China or are left unfilled by the dysfunction of welfare not being a fully-digital system restricted to prevent famine and homelessness.  This is exacerbated by the failed drug war which serves as a corrupt jobs program for the poor and a funding-railroad to ever state, local, and federal public safety budget.

The solutions are labyrinths that do not fit in sound bites, but can fit in details on websites of the candidates.  So I invite you to dive into the specificity in which each candidate addresses these real issues.  There is a difference, however both are severely flawed, primarily by the lines crossed and oaths each has taken to achieve the pulpit of last night’s microphone.  Think. 

Happy election America!

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