Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ha, Ha,

Ha, Ha, 

I do not keep a gun in the house
Because I do not trust that I will not load a bullet into the chamber
And funnel its propulsion through my own chest  

My therapist once asked me if I thought about suicide
We each broke out laughing
She then asked, “Why do you think that is funny?” 

The underlying understanding is constant
The alternative to continuation  

Logic is paramount; I know I have a dysfunctional heart
I can recall what I think might have been love
For a round up to a month in eighth grade
And for the month of April in 2010
And about three-quarters of the way there in October of 2011
Summed total the optimist estimates three months  

There was that lost decade, somewhere in there, probably
But the memories are all vampires, twisted alternate visions
Whatever I first saw or experienced them as
In reflection the mirror makes them each something else entirely  

The probability exists that some shard would qualify to pile
On top my quarter of a year bounty, but the dilemma perpetuates
In the quandary of which slice of time to decree as deserving of inclusion
So many seconds, hours, weeks, months accumulated  

The buffet has been slathered in the repugnant glaze of the ineffable conclusion
Of the counterpart’s disdain fused hatred of my being
The others have come to the same, so in these mathematics, the bulge feels as vapid
Nothings, remembrances poisoned by the bickering of fondness with abrogation 

Of the constitution to imply there were rules of engagement
Consideration, the yarn is tangled and soaked in gasoline  
I am confounded as to how others accomplish simple interaction
I have not met another human being outside the internet in two decades   

There have been the layoffs, job shifts, and professional conversations
As far as human talky-talks go, the electronic web has flecked a few kernels
But rare and even they were a mix of borax and vanilla
The world has never been smaller

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