Thursday, October 11, 2012

Drinking at the Surface

Drinking at the Surface 

All I can think to do is write,
To keep wading through the time planting here
Like an incremental tide risen forever days ago
Undulating in the space above and below my lips  

Taking breaths when I can
Uncertain if the liquid will swell
Aware of the mud clumped higher than my ankles
Below the black fluid, struggling only makes the mass stickier  

Solidified in the diatribe of too many factoids logging about
Beneath the surface, old tires, chain saws, six-pack plastic wrappers
Smudged-ink contracts, fire-proof boxes, VHS cassettes, Bibles
Laundry chutes, minivans, lace cookies and Christmas trees  

Anchors of career in oxidized apathy rust, oil-slick concern
Wipe the surface, disperse the benzene from the hose
Press the keyboard, organize the digits, characters, places the aces under the twos
Four-suit spider solitaire victories the notable successes of the day 

Random access memories disempowering the urge to complain
Trash can build up of un-recycled prints jobs, screens of blah
Kamikaze battle plans at least their deaths occurred with a faith to at least one purpose
United for nothing, oblivion of dates, passing, merged into one unending  

Present day, sunrise is a meaningless demarcation noting
The absence of a border where astronomers would like to note the point at which
A revolution based on a polarity and the shifting of season on one orb around another
Preposterous, the grid, the slab, the blackness encompasses all  

This tipping, this turning is that of one ant in a hill drooling in a rotating direction
Under the command of pheromones amongst trillions of others
Babbling the idea that any idea was unilaterally conceived and consummated
End the dirt, the mirage, the practice that these tattoos  

Bubbling on my calves, torso, and biceps are scars that I would rather not view
The water is serving a purpose shielding me from facing intimate disgust
I have prayed for the pheromones to raid my brain, guide me God
I give my subservient submission to a tasteless, odorless, colorless path   

Trying has gotten me nowhere but the fringe of Satan’s needle
Rollicking laughter that the devil could be anyone, but my own hand

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