Wednesday, October 31, 2012

iPod for a sexagenarian

iPod for a sexagenarian 

My retired mother brought me her brick and mortar Best Buy receipt
For me to check if she purchased the right iPad thingy to sing to music in the car
Last Christmas, when I still placated the cult of Jesus
I bought my parents an iPod filled with tunes and a docking station  

The folks currently require dual occupancy on said device
When traveling separately therefore a replicated machine was acquisitioned
However duplicating the exact device was arduous despite
The audacious notion of bringing the present one to the store and clamoring 

“Hey blue shirt, sell me another one like this.”
Technology changes, befuddling those in concert with old books
Farm machines and crop plagues, so in there came an iPod touch
Freshly sealed from Foxconn                 
I then flipped the box and offered a visual side-by-side to  mother
16GB in new, 160GB in old, Greece is bankrupt and so is there language
She says, “I don’t understand all that.  I don’t want to, that is not my generation.”
I asked her, “Are you dead?   

I imagine what conversations my daughter and I will have
Thirty years from now

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