Thursday, October 11, 2012

Line of Debate, October 3, 2012

Line of Debate, October 3, 2012 

There is a line, evident to those who pay attention
That the collective benefits from a man willing to cross
To do what needs doing
However much that act may contradict
Shiny Sunday-morning legislation or Friday night debauchery 

We hold the universe in a prism as if deeds are contained
Under contract of assurance, that if the mathematics of physics
Can arbitrate the winds, the currents, the temperatures of heat transfer
Then some applicable parallel standard could therefore be impinged upon man  

A cacophony of laughter awaits such folly in the boardroom of the equity exchanges
Oil, wheat, orange juice to Mortimer Duke!
Pirate raid my Kay Bee Toys!
Debt saddles and sandy loot 

Occasionally one is to inundate oneself in the precipitation of debate
The supply and demand curves of economics, the hunger of the heard
Versus the power of the bull with the most virulent urine to soak the border
Of where heifers and lesser gonads may populate or abide  

Staunch the hefty oak of timeless tree rings layered in the cackling fortitude
Of nepotism, birth-advantage and the glory of prime rainfall to expand the circumference
Of ones reach like a bear hug in times of drought, roots expand slurping up the valley
To support such a canopy of rungs and ladders,
Squirrels chattering about in the wind gusts 

To perform fellatio-maintenance to assure nest of the feathered and the sky-rodents
Persist no matter the ark in the flood or the hurricane’s fresh hydrocarbon wash-up
The ferns will see darkness, like the old plants they are comfortable in prehistoric shadow 

Some men cross the lines to call out the rational, to incite the riot,
To throw the Molotov cocktail at the trunk and then begin to climb
To burn hope, knowing anarchists see the forest’s only chance for regrowth
Is to singe it to soil  

Other men cross the lines, seeing the sky is still above the tree
Prayer, genesis, peace, interconnectedness, collective will in the audacious gasp
To grasp the word government, as if it is not a vile jellyfish, an amorphous
Gray-being, an irreconcilable bargain towards comrade or foe
Depending on who wields the ring or the blade, like Sauron or King Richard 

Trapped in a mass, the progeny of ferns, the hoofed-malignant destitutes, the hobbit men
Embark on changing the angles of the sun’s embrace of the Earth
To fell shadow with shadow and escape the gargantuan with the collective
That is free will granted by that greater than any redwood-proxy of entitlement  

The gilded solar revolution is stitched in the phrase taxation
Tax upon labor, tax upon health, tax upon the sustenance to avoid
Famine and homelessness to substantiate the equity in oneself to
Maintain ones sovereignty in a body, in a being beholden to choice 

To rectify balance the collective has one gut check, a monetary equilibrium quest
For what it means to operate inside a country
Of realistic macroeconomic mathematics computing out to the populace
Of who benefited when we borrowed the debt in the first place 

Take a birth, a baby-boomed in 1955 and see his labor
See her input, see his planning scarfed into the stock market in 2008
Colliding with 2025, seventy years, the ravages of age
Shakespearian tumult to be played upon Medicaid  

Default to the fern seeds floating in the air
Landing in sewer vats, feces and cholera prayer mats
To Jesus, to Allah, to a canopy of squirrels glaring down in contempt 

A rat is a rat, is a rat; the mice the squirrels are the same
Rodents with the exception of bushier tails that leads one to utter,
“Ahhh”, instead of squish that filthy motherfucker
Dying and crying out to a shadow felled to ceased respiration  

Water is historically finite upon the planet
Changing forms, but never increasing in amount
Gas, liquid, solid, cloud, aqueduct, dirt
How much does it hurt to hold the preponderance in a tower? 

Those statesmen of capitalism encouraging exchange
The vibration that facilitates sale-inducing orgasms of tax
Hordes in foreign banks like refusing to give Charon his two coins to cross Styx
As if the pittance were a violation of civil rights for a Norquist pledge
Like depriving a man of water or decent facilities to deposit excrement 

A slanted field of sport fertilized, weapon-ized and salted in the run-off
Of chemical operations to ensure the insecticide of the buggers daring
To crawl on stalks of the bountiful ground; area by area, resources are extracted  

In ration of how one man could stand on a stage and beatify
The Pope and Ayn Rand in the same conversation as paragons
Or better the planet Kolob in a cosmology of a religion that just beat out
Video to dodge full-cult status, for no miracle can ever be created
After such historical demarcations as VHS 

Yet tonight there is a camera, a series of pictures of imperfection in duality
But one is surely a man of the trees and one of the ferns
Arguing as if the other is the only beholden to the coffers of madmen
Plopping gilded doubloons into their pockets of ventriloquist speeches 

In the dichotomy of mutual monstrosity, both have crossed lines
To achieve the pulpit of the microphone and the lens
Peering into our homes bending syllables like dumbbells
To tear the muscular tissues of our populace apart
As if one thread veering right and the other left 

We cannot burn the trunk and
We cannot divert the total wash of our dammed rivers
To the oak’s root system; there must be a balance  

So in this we must choose, we vote in fervent assertion
Of democratic identity scavenging for a nut to survive
All in a rush towards the gathering of seeds
So that the morrow is that bit more sunlit  

This verse however mumbled is not deceased
Even in the hands of the lesser devil
The surgery of mathematics exists
Despite the emperor’s rhetorical clothing  

I dare you to cross the line of debate this twilight
To quest for the formulaic decadence of math
To besmirch the rattlers of baby-talk before their asp-tongues
Inject their venom into your family’s dominion  

Fear is the yoke of war, the spotlight of mongers
We must fund to extermination, the disease-barons
Chastising the indolent as doleful vampiric street-peddlers
Slurping the blood of the entrepreneurial knights of the treetop-table 

Envy is the lasso of destitution, to inoculate water from taint of work
As if there is no endeavor worthy of climbing
Only for a man to remain static staring upward blaming the sky-dwellers
For his lot of perpetual impoverishment, a shaken fist, but no moving legs 

Fear and envy sit like cancers of the lung and skin
Racing towards the heart
Each is equally malignant 
And so how to cross the line of debate; how to choose? 

So what do you see most in the world
See most in your own beating chest
Fear or envy, either or / neither nor  

This is so often the guiding point of polls and politics
Ridding ourselves of such cellular tumors
Is our only chance at escape


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