Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Existential Bulimia

Existential Bulimia 

Far be it for me to attempt to define the universe,
But I slammed my mouth into a piece of lumber while riding a bicycle once
I survived, so 

What if our universe is a molecular bubble in the drinking glass
Of an oblivious normal being of another realm taking a parceled second
For her to imbibe and eons for us; the metaphor is old, tired, and trite 

Replicated by a Men in Black cinematic, Oprah “Ah ha moment”
In a sphere on a cat’s collar or a Wachowski brother’s Matrix
Of battery bodies plugged in an alternate reality of blue or red pill
Acceptance, rebellion, complacency; this pondering is a withered toupee 

So I rerun these volumes of what is life, why are we here, existential bulimia
Every so often to regurgitate an excursion form the normal
Placation that I, you, we are simply ants burrowing and collecting in a single hill
The dirt, the seeds, the eggs, the permitted fornication for some based on pheromones,
The work-all-hours drone monotony for others, Disobey your roll,
The others will quell your foul mutiny, Les Miserables, Hugo who 

What if the world is solely in our individual dominion?
The passers, the talkers, the celebrities, the homeless are all projections bent
Around the one inescapable constant, the perception inside one’s head
The soul ricocheting like a pin ball, doubting, comparing, oscillating  

There is a universe for each of us, exquisitely detailed, as if Van Gogh
Colors dance, to do justice is impossible if not viewed directly
The canvas pops effusive in a way preposterous to a screen print
Thoughts burst levee banks in a consciousness unrestrained by 

Fact and fiction, blood pumping and literature sleeping in stacks
That a cranium never gets around to absorbing, but in that page, in that volume
Lives the answer, Oh my! The solution like a mother’s embrace of who we are in pace
Of the grand, someone found it once by search or accidental door opening  

The thought came detailed and went into the vat of silence
The ants marched by, occasionally glancing at the black-hole open doorway
The expanse inside infinitely dense, yet as a speck of pollen
Aloft in front of one’s computer screen, definitively visible, yet dismissed  

But then the ants are not ants, but projections of the tangential realities
Of the infinite other individual universes, pausing, blurring if that choice
Would really be their choice if they were fully here.
The challenge therein, is not showing others the door,
But to see the door in them, the corridors everywhere 

Every face, heart is but a purview to a slideshow in a parallel path
A universe unto itself that one’s conscious action can penetrate,
But for that moment of rebellion, to risk the other ants turning on you
To be beyond the knowledge of certainty, and into the discipline of the inherent 

The core of right’s counterweight to wrong; gram by gram thud
Into the purview parading behind one’s eyeballs
Maniacally cackling escapades of insomnia at times  

Yet, solace is in the sensation of a desert of sand grains
Descending like a tempest of liquid precipitation
The would-be water buries our body into nothingness
And all that remains is that stark black canvas inside our skull  

Firing neurons, dopamine, receptors and blockers
Hollowing out the pathway for a choice
In that decision under the Gobi of grit is the essence of commonality
The kernel of what matters 

Despite the distance of appearing to never touch
The infinitude of iterations of this simultaneous experiment
The segregation of the apparent landscape of time and space
We are in fact connecting in this instance of choosing 

The impossibilities have exploded in a confetti of gray matter
Into energy itself tuned to harmonic vibration of the one
Sung in silence for we need not ear, mouth, or eye to witness
Such grandeur, in that we become the door, naked and plain to all

iPod for a sexagenarian

iPod for a sexagenarian 

My retired mother brought me her brick and mortar Best Buy receipt
For me to check if she purchased the right iPad thingy to sing to music in the car
Last Christmas, when I still placated the cult of Jesus
I bought my parents an iPod filled with tunes and a docking station  

The folks currently require dual occupancy on said device
When traveling separately therefore a replicated machine was acquisitioned
However duplicating the exact device was arduous despite
The audacious notion of bringing the present one to the store and clamoring 

“Hey blue shirt, sell me another one like this.”
Technology changes, befuddling those in concert with old books
Farm machines and crop plagues, so in there came an iPod touch
Freshly sealed from Foxconn                 
I then flipped the box and offered a visual side-by-side to  mother
16GB in new, 160GB in old, Greece is bankrupt and so is there language
She says, “I don’t understand all that.  I don’t want to, that is not my generation.”
I asked her, “Are you dead?   

I imagine what conversations my daughter and I will have
Thirty years from now

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lunch Date

Lunch Date 

So Apocalypse, we are having lunch today
Salad or steak? Oh, I see, well then, let it be 

I imagine at the end of world, in that I mean humanity
The term world is silly, as if the planet is dependent on us
Rather than the inverse, but for discussions sake 

If we as humans are to find our elimination,
And to be confronted by God
Under the terms of a contractual recompense
Reconciling the deeds done with outcomes  

I imagine that at the forefront will be religion
Not as an avenue of parceling the righteous from the idolaters,
But as the paradigm of our mutually assured ruin
I can find no other practice or wallow viler  

The guises of love, cherished acceptance are universally qualified through religion as a
“Yes, but, Of course, but you see, If only, Oh how ignorant
If you sir would but read from the tome, then we could have discourse”
So much speech of love, yet smothered in tinted truths of deserts and madmen  

Blasphemous blasphemer, nails, planets, photogenic angels trumpeting the end times
I guess one could imagine such, but I kind of go with God saying something to the effect of,  

“How could you miss the fucking point so horribly? How could you be so off?
I didn’t need the worship or the requests, or the prayers, or the holy buildings
Constructed with tax breaks, nah; all I needed you to do was be nice,
Just be nice.  Quit acting like you're different, with your hats and skin tones
The languages, the Mohammed, the Jesus, the Abraham, the Ganesh, the Thor
For fucks sake, how could you think I wanted to kill gay people or make nuclear weapons your fearful little shits?  The legislation, codification and storybooks were not necessary.” 
"You are all me."

“Ah well, this is it, you screwed up this planet, you aint getting a new one, but death is not so bad.  We’ll have stuff to do.  Everybody come home in me, yes even you sir.   

Love, Peace, We are all interconnected.

Larceny and Fatherhood

Larceny and Fatherhood 

The greatest theft in all of this
Has been my desire to indulge in being a father  

At seven I became an older brother
At first interaction I recall being nervous,
Tentative to touch such a small being
Questioning my roll, normal stuff 

Within months I was affirmed to be as my older brother was not for me,
My younger sibling’s compatriot, confidant, his Virgil
I relished the subtle flavors of hugs, presence and
Nerf army campsite woods exploration,  

Sharing pizzas on Friday nights as I was motioning
To junior to senior high school with no place else to be
The transference between generosities became fluid
I was a baby sitter for my mother’s friend’s children, despite my gender 

I was a swim team coach of swimmers four to eighteen
I even created a second segregated practice to assist the younglings
This was charted data, empirical the kind predicting the outcome
Of a man’s entry into fatherhood as a triumphant undertaking  

With the credence and patience of one who understood the minds of the young
So it is with greatest extorted horror I find the frame of fatherhood
My former wife hammered around me
To show me as repugnant, unqualified and all together damaging
To the growth of our only daughter 

I sat soaking in the brine of distended entrails, gouged on the oak floor
Of a home we built, evacuated of feminine inhabitants, a ghost town
With the pictures of a father on the wall, yet howls a cacophony
Of an empty laundry machine, bedrooms cackling like needle-dick whispers 

Blood was thicker like Sunday morning pancake batter
The cartoons, the playroom floor, tiny trains and stuffed animal theater audiences
Sat with crusted irises as if staring at the wall like into the sun
Burnt from waiting for a sock puppet showcase that will never begin again 

All these childhood indulgences of a father’s hand have become machinations
Of a departed hag scoffing that the core of sunlight stitched into every smile
Was invalid, a surfeit of lies from the impetus, spoiled-worm yarn
For a pink-blanky quilt, handed to and spilt with the slobber of all these house-screams 

I want to enjoy the idea of being a father; I want to state uninteruppted status
I want to see the idea of having other children as possible
In place of water boarding, electric castration or a path to despair
Because you see, that is what having a child did to me  

My daughter made me vulnerable to an infinite regard
As if my heart was gone into her heart from gestation
The limits of my safeguard were absolute in intent and
The preponderance of my being in action  

This weight hung inside like a locket held like a collar of musts
Latched to my being in the curvature of my daughter’s smile
Sweet innocent, loving, wonderland with the spectrum of youth set to explode
Through years, knowing her mother was obstructing my vision  

And more over the hue of refractions my humanity may offer her
Over the time that is now spilt like sand of a cracked hourglass, scattered

The courtroom, the unrequited correspondence, the blank expression
To my implored commitment to save the terrorist form her own bomb
The greatest absence is that I have no trust
All I feel are the dangers like a grassland of tigresses lurking behind crucifixes  

I have murdered, I have sinned, I have emptied the luggage
And set it asunder like flotsam at a rural train station with no ticket to Chicago
No pickup, no airplanes, no passport, no taxi’s just
Breakfast, commute, computer desk, commute, dinner, insomnia 

Honestly I need to be told
I am a good father, I am a good man, I am valued for my input
From someone, from somewhere; however cheesy, weak, futile or feckless
I want that, I hunger, the tears are no water  

I isolate with a compulsion to not talk, to not see, to not feel, to not breathe
I would rather sequester, than inject energy into dust roads
I wish I could meet someone, somewhere
I wish I could be someone, somewhere  

A different time, a different place, another love, another taste
The hemlock and wine are on the table, rouge in doppelganger glasses
Will I ever choose to drink?

Another Birthday, 2012

Another Birthday, 2012 

I thought for a minute, that I would live with a day-one priority list
As if acts, pointed spits of intention could be thrust towards
Manhood, substantial credence, valid work on the impetus, or some crap like that
I realized I have no place to go, but to wander in thought 

One day I might start something
No one is waiting on my paycheck, so I invented some
By giving money away,
Then I feel like an asshole for contemplating the admission 

I wanted to be grand today, have one of those good days
The kind one resonates with haughty savor like I did something there
Maybe have a beer, I have two left in the fridge from that time that guy came over
I am afraid of what I might do with permission to drink alone  

I cook a lot, especially on weekends
Big vats of chicken and Andouille gumbo, Tasso jambalaya, Gulf Shrimp Creole
I pack the remnants into Tupperware in a roux of illusion
As if my refrigerator is stuffed to the brim rather than naked… emperors eat well 

Hell, after I quit going to church, some Saturdays to Sundays
The only places I go are the farmer’s market and the fish monger 

The garden my daughter and I planted when she was over
Has half-blooming flowers on the left
The right half is gray dirt; we planted red onions, cilantro
Ghost peppers, sunflower seeds, nothing ever came up 

The spring rains, the fall hurricane was Isaac this year
Only one with a flood 

I saw a lion go right up to a cheetah on satellite television
Ate his throat, usually big cats don’t attack like that
Fast did not flitch, the muscles crushed on the savannah 

The machine, the cash flow projection, the international venture capital infusion
I do not really feel like vomiting in that bucket with a hole as of this hour
Maybe in ten minutes, when I quit masturbating artistic nonsense poetry
But in this space, nah, the old man can prove his metal before I continue to pedal 

My skin cancer hole is healing well; the cells are filling in like a jelly doughnut
Replenishing itself naturally the way personified sugary blobs would
If they had plans for world domination like Krispy-Kreme Hitler’s 

Lots of people go out of this world at the blade of a fast food drive through
I went cold turkey about four years ago; at least I have that going for me  

I wonder what color a zebra’s penis is
I bet the monochromes bite 
I told my co-worker yesterday that I think Iran is full of really smart people living double lives,
one way for the street, one way in their homes,
America and the U.N. are trying to implode the theocratic leadership behind the secular figure heads as their currency plummets;  

I also said it was kind of a bitch move to worry so much
about 3,000 people dying on 911 compared to the aftermath
America can’t take a punch, without losing control;
I guess you are not supposed to say that shit in Franklinton, Louisiana,  

Country Parish fair was last week; town hall was closed for three days
I hope nobody at work realizes or tries to make conversation about this birthday thing
I would really rather parse worlds; plus I still feel that disinclination
From human contact; I am more comfortable entering, watching, and leaving silently 

Why does anyone have to talk to anyone?
Thirty-four years still have not figured that one out yet
We have computers now; the beautiful web, I can type, type, type
Just like my old memo notebooks, I can spew and don’t have to encumber skin 

I can bathe in a lounge of the silent oblivion; How glorious!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Memories are Vampires 

I remember the cold lines that smell so humble now
Soaked in the kerosene of arrogance, burned my city to the sound
Of freedom sparked fireworks and celebration crowns
Outstanding corporate achievements, but I am so much younger now 

Burned in the ant hill, trying to assimilate, hungry to succeed
Finding an avenue, all I found was greed
Hours in the pipeline, what did the man then do
Cancelation of employment the whole world saw us sued 

Obstruction of justice, now who stands the fool?
The difference between ethics and a well legislated rule
I saw the bald head of Ebenezer Scrooge
Push a paper for a new job to salvage my manhood in a noose  

Yoke me to a gum tree, good-for-nothing balls
Spiked to a thorn bush, I saw the poverty stalls
Cattle in the pasture, hungrier then hell
Selling government water, only a tonic salesman can sell  

I saw the hug-boy housemates grinding in the back
I saw the ketamine stickers shoot up in the racks
Gunning for a first child; I put my faith in you
Storming on the back porch, I saw the path to choose 

Found a pink blanket knitted, softer than sheen
Hurricane waters brought us soaking to our knees
Had the sense for praying like a stratosphere of views
Who knew Texas would leave you crying to be a martyr for your youth 

Crouched up in the horse stall, bolting from a gate
Not the sense to run from the monster in the cage
Lay so sweetly to me; I hardly remember the phrases now
Crimped scuba tank-line, choking in a crowd 

Mothers keep on talking, no one sees the sight
Children convulse profusely, blockaded by the sunshine 

Grumbling like a gremlin, thrashing in your eyes
I saw the thunder rolling like a Garth Brooks song suicide
Country living grandeur, holy-holy hell
God came down before me and sold my soul to sell  

Talent for a dollar, modern-war exchange
You got my faith.  I got a payment plan for rage.
Brilliant politician; children on the take
I remember the cold lines and the Baltimore rain  

Perfect blue buildings shinning screens of smiles
I remember desk files and porches done with esoteric style
Daddy’s exercises, mother’s cigarettes
Placated arguments, smoking to a colloquial two-step  

Carving up the carcass in our room all by myself
I saw the floor boards melting like a bubble-footed hell
I put my face there, pasted to the planks
I saw the angels coming, looked like vampires with prison shanks 

Keep the house quiet, dormant like a deer
Keep the headlights high-beam, starring before the veer
Run-over dumbfound, man lay lame
Talking to the spirits of the oldest rooted names  

I saw children dying; I saw love gone suicide
I saw the lawyer monsters; I saw nowhere on the inside
I would let them eat me; if only for the end
Oblivion is better than having to remember you were once my friend  

I see the town on fire; like a candle of riot stemmed
Police came up with the shakedown to remind me who are friends
I saw my employer cut me from the ranks of the esteemed
I saw the wood-paneling slap me, keep me on my knees  

I tended to the garden, watered her to grow
Flowers bloom just long enough for her to know
Maybe daddy’s got to, find a soil home
Roots and transfusions, blood types can’t take the cold  

Vampire meals wandering, vagabond’s pursuit of truth
Always leaves one guessing at the fermented drunkenness of youth
She can keep her friends here, stitched all through the Earth
I will be a picture piped across a computer like a rocket man universe 

She can call my replacement, as if he were the word
I will do what I can to find soil for this worm
Aerate the break lines, where a normal man can breathe
Oh, here comes the flood, evacuate to the sunshine, see Icarus bear the bleeds 

I remember the cold lines that smell so humble now
Soaked in the kerosene of arrogance, burned my city to the sound
Of freedom sparked fireworks and celebration crowns
Outstanding corporate achievements, but I am so much younger now 

Now this new man gives me stories, a salesman on the move
Pimp for a monopoly, poor pockets for the dues
Never ending stories of always with the catch
Caught my dreamer dreaming rip out that monster’s breath  

Hope is for the heartfelt, those capable of love
I remember the cold lines, before the organ became none
Nothing but a blank space, no kindle for the hearth
No anger for the armies, just a logical scientific mark  

Romance for the childish, sniper-shot trapeze acrobats
Thud to the circus-floor for attempting hands would catch
Tigers eat the bodies cheaper than the bill
Funerals need attendees or a eulogist to spill  

Factoids or agendas, minutia for a sigh
Rather see the cauldron, incinerate clouded eyes
Memories are vampires stalking in the day
Promised weakness laughable, crucifix dismayed  

You can call me nameless, marching in the crowd
You can cut me shameless, about who killed the cows
Carnivore or Vegan titles don’t matter much
Blame is for the angels and they are with Santa in the months  

Of holiday obsession for you and redwood spruce
Held up in the attic with circumvented truths
I just want a restart, a reroute out this mess
I keep taking phone calls and fear sleeps with the stress  

My heart attack is coming; I know I will die young
Not because you hurt me, but because I cannot love 
Nothing will work in there, not a machine or an excuse
Nothing will deliver me another man’s youth  

Replace the wrinkles with another’s memories
These drain me daily like Cinderella at the ball
She had a man give her the pumpkin coach and rodent-steeds of four
Except before midnight tolled, royalty chose another before  

She even got there, like a transplant memory
I wish we never danced and I was lonely with my dreams
Then I could be alone; for the first time in years
Just me and my despair, my beautiful loneliness

No masochistic sashay partner or a beaded attic dress
Just nothing and no one and the potential for happiness

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Another Day in the Life, (Alan Greenspan or Ginsburg?)

Another Day in the Life, (Alan Greenspan or Ginsburg?) 

Garruff! Made-up words, made-up another day in the life
Focus on the haze, format the device
Goodbyes and greetings, activities misleading
Human body gyrating is red-tube entertaining  

Plug into the matrix television to pencil-erase definitions
Of what-to-do, who-we-are, scrape the lines
Blur for the bizarre, bomb-threat call it in
See the scurry explore another empty bin 

Bottle rocket to the sky, small explosion then subside
Kill the fuckers in the flames, die, melt the children, cry profane
What side are you on, pacifist, anarchist, murderer, victim?
Angel-human, snake-devil, roles and holes, knowledge cold  

Put the message in a box; fill the blank and no regrets
Racist religion and stove full of meth
Light the burner, gas-land heating the poles
Artic rumble set to explode! 

No time to write, only for the static
Reality dance off, cupcake war
Kierkegaard can stay on the floor
Buried rug of everybody wanting to vote for none-of-the-above 

Complaints for a system, no better plan
Listen to the squawk, vomit from the clan
Math is the demon confined, bark the trends
Who has the time?  

Standard deviation, median, mean,
Quantitative easing over analysis
Greenspan cut the crust off the white bread
Whole grain is for suckers; who eats the ends? 

Throw that shit in the can; kids want the Peter-Pan peanut and the jelly
Famine illusion on bitch-roll bellies
Store-brand sugar-rush class-war drug-fix
Canopy on the dole, arrogance and placated mistakes  

Can anyone explain to me how religion became the party of the rich? 
Stolen ideas: humility veiling tyranny, conspiracy for humanity
Transpose savior and oppressor.  Aborted welfare, middle-class, teenage-mother babies
Faces, voters, completion, engaging

Love, Oh Love! Where are you tonight?
Ginsberg on a holy Segway scooter
Let me on; I want death sooner 

Suicide in the lie, wild-animal on the loose
Have to rant the blog; she said his was this long
Neighbor comparison lawn is greener
Redefine the demon, algebraic airport security screener 

What does this cost; how safe are you?
X-ray scan bemoan the bearded man
Stay in Iraq; can’t take the slap back
Hornet’s nest, buzz the stings;  

Wanting peace is wanting everything
To slow, pull over on the side of the road
Have the purple parents talk, don’t divorce
Call the pitch a balk 

Adolescent umpires and irate fans
Obsessive instant replays; justice is irrelevant to demands
Ideology red and blue; I am right so fuck you
Ministry gone viral, kitten videos and embassy invasions  

Revisionist history and cat-scratch-fever mayhem
No insurance, banks can’t bust; too much at stake
Let the rust belt rust
Indian call center; no not this continent the other  

Modern slavery is more sophisticated; it’s publically traded
Buy the right to expel access, basic needs bum on the street
Who chooses between medicine and meat?
Sawed off roofs and blue tarps;
FEMA checks and West-Bank roadblock security checks

Slice interest rates like a melanoma biopsy
Razor thin to stimulate the blue-pill erection economy
Spunk another trillion to keep the orgy going
Spark-match another war Iraq to Iran
Can’t we finish Afghanistan? 

First, nah, drum the drums, confuse the Arab spring 
For a partisan rumble; as if the world was an American toy
To scratch the paint or yank the legs on our Woody-Walker cowboy
Fear is an addiction that makes a people want control  

Of every country, every will, damn the souls
Dylan says we have God on our side
Good enough for me; German banks parenting Greeks
Austerity measures, debt extremes  

Pension funds, excess-square feet
Arms can’t stretch, Mos-Def
“Mean streets, even when it’s free it ain’t cheap”
Pimp rims, gold teeth, car elevators, dancing horse feet 

Presidential stacks, promise land-fills,
It’s not a lie on the take-back prescription red-pill
Down the drugs, pharmaceutical stock went up
Profit elasticity; company says health is a free market
Shut the fuck  

Medical device twenty bucks to make;
Charge three-thousand on the uptake
Previous condition exclusion; drink the Kool-Aid
For election time amusement  

Circus tent munch the LSD popcorn
Tomorrow never knows, relax float down stream
There are no screams only stimulus
Unrestricted bank accounts and missions accomplished  

Redefinitions of love and war, peace and stores
Million dollar bonuses before the taxman comes
Beginning and ending have become one  

Greenspan and Ginsberg
Holding hands on Willy Wonka’s ferry
Chocolate river, sugar or shit
Pollution or nutrients  

Theological Misprints
Horse Dressage in the Olympics  

Priorities, disparities, vomit to digest the clarity
Got to admit it’s getting better
It’s getting better all the time
I read the news today, Oh Boy!

A Joke

A Joke 

I wanted to make a joke about suicide
I did with my therapist once
We both laughed out loud  

She asked if I ever thought about it
The joke was in my grin
As she and I both smiled at the thought of the obvious
Why wouldn’t I? 

I wanted to make a Facebook post about the laugh
I declined thinking the measure would be misconstrued
As a cry for help,  

(I do not want help.  I want a reason to be happy
On top of merely existing.) 

I perpetuate respiration, food intake, sleep, work, mortgage payments.
The cycle is boring; Pursuing intellect is a baleful waltz
Towards the allure of oblivion and the cacophony of the mundane  

Religion, hope, dreams, love, vomit, disgust
None digest down, only nausea, stiff neck revolt
Strychnine in the climb out of bed, sheets soaked in sweat
Cancerous moles polka-dot the back; biopsy the whole  

I want one memory that is not a vampire
Alive, permissible for reference without taint of stake coronary
Explosion of dried blood to the floor boards, plasma
Legal notices on doors, swimming holes booze and gunshots 

Bullets and smeared make up, waiting for a ride, car pool is late
Commute-town vagabond, heroin sunshine, depression cold-slide
Flamingo hips, disjointed elbows, bend backwards past the threshold
Cannot eat this fill fucking chocolate wonder-fall! 

America gone disease-billed, bacteria-taste buds climb the landfill
Scavenging for a friend in the heap, zombie gorging brains
Who the hell to talk with, converse until meaningless is a thrill
Rot this desperation out, until I can roust the bout  

Succumb to the dope-lung, drug the billows, hold the pillow
Over the head instead of under, block the airway until mother’s shudder
Walk in rooms like nirvana, just smile all the time with Tweedy
Have real teeth like melted butter; come and laugh with me; be a Joker tonight

Stare Straight Through

Stare Straight Through 

I do not understand how any adult can participate in the activities of 
Hoping, praying or Dreaming, On a practical basis 

Investing in any such festival is by definition a dalliance away
Into the level of the childish
As one is investing energy into another solving ones problems or curing ones ills 

Such reliance is every way segregated from everything life has ever shown me as real
Parents do for children, based on narcissistic indulgence
To perpetuate oneself or to be loved  

One can measure these pursuits as fueled energies
Of dopamine or serotonin in a neurological enterprise
As when one is happy, one can fool oneself into believing
In a God, another human or a force of nature to abide  

By a force beyond free will or science, yet
The fallacy of such is merely a sacrifice to the cult of justice
As if one who does good deserves good;
Or some such the inverse given depravity 

Some may argue my depression fogging the banks
Of my consciousness away from optimism petitioning for Prozac
The drugs are the relay baton of the matrix of purported joys
I would no sooner down the red pill or the blue
Than to call the emperor clothed and his tapestry majestic 

A pox on the house of felicitous flag waving!
Give me my stone, my gray-granite soup of indigestible crud!
Let me die in a suicide machine of my own creation
At least I am a life-giver, a freedom fighter betrothed to the rebellion 

Stampede the elephants, brand the donkeys!
Form your armies against me!
Useless, feckless herds of swamp disguised as Disneyland!
I prefer my sanitarium of sterile isolation than the sanitarium of oblivion  

There is no hope, no dream, no prayer, no justice anywhere
Only chance, free will and science, stab my side, slay me through,
Icarus is melted; the sun burns; immolate my face staring
Un-flinched into the sphere of the fiery tempest!

Ranting on Shit-Wrong America

Ranting on Shit-Wrong America 

End Private Health Insurance Companies
Create a Single Payer System
Implement a Federal Tax based on adjusted gross income
With Deductible and co-pays based on current adjusted gross income
For those under fifty-five and historical AGI for those over fifty-five 

Create national web-based software through a centralized website
To facilitate the accounting, scheduling, purchasing and preventative care
To allow humans to make their own appointments and see the
Per-service costs paid through quarterly updated federal tax returns for options
To finally link Cost of care with ability to pay, with price before optional service
For American healthcare when applicable 

End all direct payment assistance for anything other than
Electronic payments directly to supplier
For food or housing to prevent famine or homelessness 

Create a digital linked UPC code scan technology
Required for vendors to participate in food program
Based on nutritional impact per dollar per weight thresholds
And available food supply in national database from interlinked
Farmers and manufacturers for local producers to put food in local stores
Limit purchases in stores to these marked items 

Require per-city rent limitations on housing based on an analytic of square footage, and the number of bed and bathrooms for participation – open it up to any building, Allow amount to be used as a housing supplement.   

Base the combined subsidies on negative income tax theory
Allow a state-set amount of W-2 income independent of marital status without reduction;
End all additional subsidizes of offspring at one
Provide free birth control through single-payer health system
Including voluntary vasectomies and tubal ligation to any taxpayer  

End all tax deductions for
Contributions to religious organizations on Schedule B of the 1040
With the exception of dollars spent on health and welfare programs
Conducted by religious organizations through separate nonprofit corporations
That separate church and state
Any dollar spent on meals and entertainment for a business  

Lower Corporate Tax Rates by five percent
Increase the highest Individual tax rates by five percent 

Decriminalize marijuana, cocaine and heroine
Treat addiction as a disease inside the medical system
Not as a crime inside the public safety budgets 

Downsize the military in the form of war machines
We purchase. Invest in data-mining, computer offense and defense  

Close the prison in Guantanamo Bay, charge people with crimes or release them  

Create a national department of education website capable
Of providing every teacher in every grade from preschool to graduate
Web-based software designed by top-educators and software design teams
As a starting point of every curriculum, use laptops and tablets to put
Education in the hands of any person in the world for free
Allow local teachers to choose options to adapt to the classroom and
On some levels to each student in the classroom  

Use this software to replace every textbook purchased by taxpayers in America
Integrate dynamic homework; create in-person testing centers for remote college students
Allow home school students to use software;  

Create web videos on a website for every career in America, starting in junior high
Detailing post high school educational requirements including tuition, salary expectations
And the evolving number of people employed in those careers in each state
To describe their daily work and personal life living in that career
Allow the student to guide their interest; make the website public 

Foster a system of non-profit public charter schools based on stipends to allow parents to select schools with more restrictive educational or extracurricular requirements that fit their child.  Allow these schools the benefit of the web-based system. 

Make all educational videos and software available to every prisoner in America
Ban television, other movies, weights or entertainment from every prison in America 

Invest in the smart grid to integrate solar and wind electricity
To better our economy and the planet, invest in putting
Solar rooftops on government facilities to lower long term energy costs for the public 

Create a website to conduct all state and federal public bids for government purchases and state contracted pricing to create economies of scale, crossover-efficiencies, and transparency to interconnect the information for all fifty states and the feds. 

Limit federal office campaign spending based on per capita census data in that state
Overturn Citizens United 

Do not allow federal Congressman, the President, Vice President, or any member of the Supreme Court or their spouses to own any minority share in a publically traded stock
Candidates must divest ownership within ninety days of being elected to office 

Congressional staffers are banned from becoming lobbyist for ten years after job 

Conduct more frequent census counts
Through coordinating digital information through a web-based IRS
Cross reference food or housing subsidies with the digital IRS 

Replace all direct-benefit retirement for all government employees with direct contribution in IRA’s or 403b plans.  Declare bankruptcy in states, if necessary to facilitate this change.  

Require all federal and state allocated funding to be based on census-based analytics in urban, rural and suburban areas to end “spend it or lose it” budgeting from year to year. 

End the 60 Senator “call to the floor” filibuster block
Allow 51 votes to mean a majority, Use a constitutional amendment if necessary.   

Require all local, state, and federal balance sheets to record the unfunded actuarially accumulated liabilities for all retirement plans for pension or healthcare to clue the American people on just how much debt we are in for budgeting 

The future of government is in assisting the nation by funding, designing, and facilitating regulated market superstructures to lower taxpayer cost and maximize public service value through websites and web-based software created with a combinations of field experts and taxpayer dollars.  Teachers design education.  Doctors design health care.  Mathematicians and computer scientists build the bones of digital technologies permitting large databases such as the IRS to communicate with the healthcare system in a secure and expedited manner.  

These are the grand challenges of America.  This is our moon landing.  This is our path out of this debt.