Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Toothless Gums

I feel your image crumbling into nothing
Your perfume begins to smell like softened yams and charcoal stout
Falling off the bed rail like a smoke ring snuffed
The garden on your back the flowers I waited decades

Withered lilac petals and the dove flies with the owl
I want you to be more serious
Feathers bust out the pillow painted black in raven laughs
Burlesque sideshow and I will never know

How you can be so god damn solid
Impenetrable feelings like every woman I have ever loved
Vulnerability is the dirtiest word
Open my jaw and bite the concrete step upon my skull

Knock the rest of my teeth out; I’ll go find my dentures again
Like in high school and remember where trying gets me
Unable to chew, stick to soups and oozed foods with gravy
Bent straws and cold, ignore the microwave, ovens never warm

Except for miracles and praying for you to be one
Smelling the frosted den of leaves and starch and I am dying
Hoping for a restart in the parade of a parking lot gawkers
Living for a barter of now or never

Giving a heart like a hand grenade pulled the plug
Chucked into the chasm and done
Words and blood flung like bare human shrapnel
Wanting to be wanted like a migratory pattern

Returning on instinct, spiritual intuition or damn dead stupidity
Running right into the buzz saw of you staring at me like a god damn psychopath
Bleeding kindness like I am the one with the hurtful tones
As if the whole world is empowered by the one who can hold out the longest

Make the other flinch, the other want, so the victor can be impregnable
Wanting nothing, needing nothing, swimming in the adulation of dance halls
And internet clicks thinking life is encapsulated in this fallow wafts of sunshine
To a bird on a wire always flying off

Idiots like me praying to just sit down and talk for a while 

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