Saturday, November 22, 2014

Glazed Gaze

She looks at him with an indelible apathy
Something about the way a woman’s eyes peer through a man
The imprint of visualizing the indifference
Of knowing there was not a god damn thing he could have said

She makes up her mind and the silence
Of retraction supplants every word in his kudzu
To try to speak, write, befriend a ghost
Because that look never rubs out; always grows back

In stares like he was stranger, a nothing passer in a jar
A split dog, guts in the street tires whirling on
Rider listening to bubble-gum Taylor Swift obnoxiousness
As if she doesn’t know either party

There are bars in Nashville, New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans
And not much anywhere else in America; Pop is forcing the outskirts
To where the cosmetic surgery gawkers are outdoing the dirty guitar players
Drinking craft cocktails over whiskey straight in the pit

No chaser, no stray look just dead-eye forward
Aware that when belted-string eyes meet hers
They’re riding into nothing, just nothing but a side glance
To dismiss a body in a crowd

Changing him to where every woman that looks
Feels like her
Like why speak because the pretext is caked on
That after a while the water runs and back to nothing

Possibility exists like a cataract needed a surgery or a drug
Even Pfizer can’t sell
So all the women appear like tall glasses of haze
Sturdy that if tipped would not even anger, just evaporate

Phase off into air bubbles of haughty mindlessness
Aggregating so that he is never alone
The conversation never takes place and the residue
Of what he wanted to say films on his tongue

Painting a motion picture like a tornado through his skull
Why’s and black and white chaos
So that the only words he ever has churn incestuous
Writing a story like a mirror where either no one else exists or he doesn’t
In and outside his vision compensating for the indelible 

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