Saturday, November 22, 2014

July 12 - Letters to Luna


I thought I would take some time this afternoon to write you an email.  I will text and bounce communiques back and forth, but my home is in the written word.  I enjoy the open-ended pastures of paper or a keyboard much more than emoticons, but feel free to text (most of the time it suits modern life I just like this format as well.)  

Some part of me longs for a time of mailed letters and the intentional correspondence of ink on the page.  [I had a pen-pal for like six years through part of high school and college.  The idea that email or cell phones just obliterate the loveliness of letter writing absent the discipline of avoiding the instant communication of modern paradigms is a sad sacrifice for the greater bounty.]

I like where this feels like it is heading.  I feel like we are two people with layers.  If time allows the blossom there is intrigue in my ear and the borders of my tongue to converse with you.  I feel a commensurate space in the intricacies of who you might be and the passion and investments you appear to have made to be the woman standing and listening by walls and peering outward.  The potential is pleasant like the radiant heat from a kiln. 

I enjoy the substance of knowing another completely and the reciprocal in their awareness and understanding of me.  I value those relationships as rare, crafted as close as one can get to God and purpose and reverberate in this universe.  I write that because that type of intimacy is what I am ultimately seeking in my life.  Those things develop or not in time as all plants begin as a seed.  

I write that because I do not wish to startle or to prompt any fear on your end.  I am a deep man and you seem to sway a commensurate personal standard for contemplation.  I like that.  It feels like part of who you innately are.  In my life that analytical splint has been both beast of pleasure and burden yoking me to seeing both the greater spectrum and isolation. 

We just met.  I have no idea where this is going to go, but I am hopeful.  I am happy I am getting to know you.  I know we all have stories and whatever you wish to share with me my empathy is present like a bowl, listening, holding for the moment, not judging, but grateful in reflection as those words return to you coated in the embrace from another human that you were heard.  Those human nuances are big with me.  The details, the subtleties, the facial expressions, the connections of past swirling in the present, I tend to pick up on those more than the average cat. 

Traditionally I am more of the watcher, the listener, than the speaker.  I tend to share everything with those closest to me and little with the grocery-store people.  I may ramble or start on some metaphor or play with sarcasm or cultural reference like dabbing paint in conversation to flow with the moment.  I get that from my dad.  A lot of that is because my head rarely shuts off.  That’s one reason I do yoga. 

I wrote some poems recently reflecting on things so far.  Sometimes I write pieces reflecting on an actual experience.  I wrote one on our first meeting and another on Wednesday night, I thought I would share that one with you to not make this letter too long and leave a manner of introduction to my writing style.  


To: Severus

Your writing is absolutely beautiful and I am quite touched at the details in your poetry. Thank you.
I find myself, at times, having difficulty expressing how I feel, the contemplative mind...
When writing or typing, I find myself rambling, thus I will keep this brief. Also, it takes me a very long time to finish emails, I think I started this one an hour ago. I get distracted.
I hope you had a lovely weekend and I will talk with you soon.

Text in: 7/18: 4:56 pm Vietnamese tomorrow at 2
Text out: 7/18: 7:45 pm See you there; drinking beer with my dad, have a fun night
Text out : 7/19 9:44 pm: Hope you had a nice nap.  I enjoyed lunch & getting to know you better.  You looked great.  The glitter suits you.  Best wishes dancing tonight

Text in: 7/19 10:36 pm: Thank you, I enjoyed the time with you as well. 

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