Saturday, November 22, 2014

July 21 - Letters to Luna - Namese


 I appreciate you continuing to take the time to get to know me and allowing me to do the same.  I feel like you are a wonderful listener, absorbing and reflecting empathy on a palpable level.  I imagine in your choice of career endeavors this position is native.  The two palettes appear from this distance like mirrors of the ebb and flow of silence and release on your terms regulating a gauge of control. 

 The therapy and evaluations come to the table with the other to speak and you to absorb and discern commentary in an alcove of professionalism.  The dancing feels like a world where others enjoy, but cannot pierce the illusion of an intimacy of who you are personally.  The glitter and the nudity costume the place others are not allowed more so than any business suit. 

 Maybe this is not so, its validity or lack thereof is not as relevant as me communicating that I am enjoying getting to know you.  My risk of attempting such inferences is not in any judgment or sense of declarative statement only a desire to get to know the you that neither your patients nor your dancing audience will ever be privileged.

 I want you to go at the speed your being desires: hummingbird or redwood.  The spectrum of velocity does not change the locus of the destination.  We are each who we are independent of the revelations of time’s cascade. 

 Know, you can ask me anything you wish, my response may come in layers.  I may offer a verbal attempt, plunge into random analogy or refer to something I have written in days ago to offer for you to read at your discretion.  In turn I want you to take your time to bloom as you need or want. 

 You are a beautiful woman.  I know my dating style may pierce the personal.  This may appear to bypass the obvious that most people tend to hone their eye contact and pheromones to focus in bar rooms and grocery store aisles.  I am attracted to you.  I want you to feel that.  A man is meant to pursue a woman and I am pursuing you.  I go after what I want and right now I want to see where this leads.

 I do not wish for my endeavors to speak as we do to cloud the physical.  I am chiseled a textured man in the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical.  Any relationship that I attempt to invest my energy into, of which I consider ours my priority in my life right now for this endeavor, I apply my efforts to assist growth in each facet of this quartet takings its shift into the spotlight in order to forge a complete connection.

 All our discussions of who we are are vital to the sunlit world and that inner cavern of seeing another as they truly rest in their being. I just know that sometimes words are ill-fitted vessels that the privacy of midnight’s shadows communicates in fingertips.  I just don’t want you to be confused or puzzled by how my focus may appear. 

 You strike me as a deep layered woman of trails, roots, and leaf-canopied glades.  I want to take my time to let you open up to me.  I sense your reluctance to let others into your world in a general vein and with me a quiet joy at the way I have been approaching.  I only want you to be you, whoever that is.  I do not expect nor desire perfection, only a human that can see me in my rawest self if things progress.

 I wrote another poem after our last encounter I would like to share.

Namese Bahn Bao

Seeing your face across the two-top table
My feelings bubbled in the tea
The involvement to the air of wanting
You like a redolent wallflower

Eye lines to the entry door
Maître d set me alone to the only open pair of seats
In the center aisle
Your arrival embraced in the passage of time

That a place in the corner opened
As others finished
So that you request like the shadowed stairwell
I instigate to facilitate your comfort

To a placement where no one can approach you from the rear
Terms and time beating of knowing you wanted the booth
Over the chair
Softness in the lean

Bucolic conversation of the Vietnamese Catholic fishermen of Versailles
My parents lost in country Mississippi farming, hunting, and the trails
Your friends in the desert plotting solar independence
Father with the horse on his badge, not sure because you never got a chance to ask

First cavalry division of the United States Army based in Ford Hood, Texas
Vietnam tours TRICAP armored, air-mobility, and air cavalry counteroffensives
Insignia gold covered Norman shield with a black horse’s head
You hint you learned to run like him

I pause in the space the aperture of those words create
For another day to see the blossom take her time to unfurl
As she is ready
I think of Terrebonne, New Mexico, to New Orleans

I see the glitter on your cheek and see the beautiful dance
Of the way a woman is like an oven taking time to warm

There are these concerts by the Algiers Ferry called Wednesday’s at the Point.  Soul Rebels is doing a short set with two other bands from 5:30 to 8:30 this Wednesday.  I know you spend a lot of late nights during your week and have been working a lot with the events in town.  I think this is an outdoorsy hang out after work kind of thing.  I can bring the bug spray again.  
 I can pick you up around 6 or so.  Let me know if that works with your calendar.

To: Severus

Wednesday sounds fun and I would like to go. I have yet to see the Soul Rebels.
I truly enjoy your words, your writing style, and your approach.
9876 Street

yes bug spray

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