Saturday, November 22, 2014

Aug 7 - Letters to Luna - Do Owls Need Parachutes?

Verbalizing promise, hope like the smell of an explosive about to blow
The scent aroused nostrils 
Beasts on the savanna startled 
Welcomed into weird little worlds 

Intoxicating, extrapolating underlying meanings 
The effect like sinking into a warm bath
Reconciling the calming waters
With fear of intimacy

The liquid cannot get too clear 
The animals will spot each other
Better the algae and the lilies make safety zones

She wants molasses speed and an emotional veil like a bulwark 
But is encouraging a poet to write to her, for her, 
To make palpable magic in the night 
Become theater on the page she and he experienced without speaking

Poetry is like making love to the enemy, indulging in the forbidden 
Cryptic emotions and Kandinsky contexts distorted to bend her regulations
That no intruders are allowed through the gate, but these feel good 
Ok only for a moment, then I’ll boot the bard  

The expectation in the hearth is not that she is a wild owl 
Swooping down on snakes and rats, but that 
She is afraid to even decide and ask for what she wants 
Getting that would be like flipping a switch for a sunrise 

At one a.m. glaring wide hooting eyes jaundice and dilated 
Having to immediately adjust from the perch of telling others no 
To facing the possibility of saying yes to her self 
On the level alone in a temple of past, present, and future 

Like a bauble she hangs around her neck in a pendant 
Personal and ephemeral, ungraspable but in plain sight 
Surprise, acknowledgement, and warmth like blood to a nervous callus 
Swelling, monitored and bursting in acquiescence 

To the weight hung round her nape
Knowing she is venturing into the prohibited taboo of the emotional 
Like she had her hand on the lever the whole time, the stick-shift
She can’t let it go on anymore 

Always in control knowing fire burns 
Redwood limbs in cinders fanned under departing wings
Floating towards moonlight’s cradle 
Characterizing a quintessence into an enigmatic selfish creature

Owl putting rules on tortoise as if feathers were shells 
One cannot fly and the other cannot make him into this pre-patterned specter
It’s easier if he’s a ghost like all the boys she’s sent away 
To slip into a script she wrote before he ever opened his mouth

That way when she tries to forget about him he can be just like the rest
Morphed into a footnote to the pages she speed-reads
A treble clef to the dance beat for regulated choreography 
Of who wants who and how much and when 

That this feeling is optional if she chooses it to be 
The book can be closed, the record needle lifted 
The power of a heart held in storage shifted 

She has fear she will hurt him worse later as she has so many before 
So she swipes her talons and he folds-in his turtle-head 
Not out of fear of shedding blood, but out of respect for the space 
She needs

He sees her just as well as who she always was from inside his shell 
As out in the open air, her breasts beat anger facing his daring audacious vision
She sabotages the bridges and the flightless will be left in Vietnam 
The gasoline used up setting fires to scare the cavalry 

Scarlet Hamlets, banned Buddhist flags, Hmong tribesman, phantom Tonkin torpedoes 
All wars end 
But not every soul comes back with the soul they entered with 
Tortoise just wanted to talk, not negotiate a surrender or trying to win or capture

He just wanted take a slow moment by the side of the road and trade war stories 
Reptiles and birds both lay eggs, bear a nest 
Even if they’re in tree hollows and logs 
Just wanted to share, knowing she knows so little about him 

He knows so little about her 
And he feels judged not for being a poor fit to the locket hung from her head 
But for being potentially a good key, like they both knew it, and she spooked, flew off
The scent on that is like saccharine caked icing spelling titles on confections 

With block letter names come definitions, the potential her mother taunts 
The wry rebellion itching of ‘You want me to be this
Well I will be that, why because no one will ever choose for me again 
I am getting out of this swamp to be a great-horned bird of the desert.’

Happiness requires a mutuality of election 
By definition each party ultimately chooses the same foundation
One saying I would like to proceed in this direction 
Is not disallowing the other’s choices or future volition

There is more than one path to get to the same destination

So in the turtle is placed upon the altar of paradox 
Sacrificed in the barter of love for fear 
As she tickles his ear for poetry and beckons him into vestibules 
To approach or to run, either way the owl sustains her first lover 

The darkness  

In one swoop like an elixir to make them both forget
As if the words were never read or spoken only the flat blackness remains 
Of strangers phasing back into strangers 
The marshmallow softness was always her toying with her permissions 

Dance, play, ‘I am no good at this and I am an arsonist baby!
I’ll burn you down, pushing the boundaries to remain untouchable 
I’m feeling quiet and not sure I want to be in a crowd 
Of even one, anxiety has got me, the darkness has me captive, and she always wins.’

The way he looked at her felt like rape, 
Violated for what was not his to know 
Costumed and tight-lipped with that chin
That descends and eyes open silently listening 

No one is supposed to hear her in that pose, but he does 
The alarms and the firebombs, too much, too soon 
If not now when, when is her heart supposed to blossom again 
If that is not what she was looking for why did she sign in to be matched?

He was enjoying ever so their time together
He knows she was too; thinking she is so afraid because all her cities lay in ruins 
So she blows this one up so that she is not standing in center square 
If he ever bails first; sad clichĂ© as if when he asked her if she loved herself 

He was asking, “Do you think you are worthy of receiving love?”
From who, who has loved you if you say you think you might have been in love once 
But that’s it; the show was cancelled, like affection or concern is some dirty jargon 

For marmish soccer mom’s who give blow jobs to their lawyer hubbies once a solstice 
As if she has to lay down her antlers or start sleeping in camisoles and Spanx 
Slurping whole milk obeying Captain Crunch driving car pool 
And if she gets a speeding ticket he’ll ask for another divorce 

As if to share a home, to have a home, she’d have to fit in some stereotype 
In her head, not his and all he wanted was a god damn woman he could talk to 
Spend a little time with, maybe take care of on occasion and play in bed 
He wanted a lover to sit next to him flying to Seattle not be a sleepless cookie-cutter

Whatever she thinks he expects, he wishes she would have bothered to ask 
Maybe she did and he said a life partner and whatever that meant to her 
In no way could be him, 
Maybe in every way would not have been her 

But he wanted to try, he wanted to play the game, not just show up to an empty field 
And never know if things would have worked out 
He feels judged and used, taken advantage of and jilted 
Because he feels like she knows she is cheating herself from finding out too 

He feels like she is taking the easy way out instead of taking a chance 
Because happiness scares the hell out of artists 
How does one create from such a bright place?
How does one supplant the darkness an artist has spent his or her life alongside? 

Baby, all I got is poetry and you used me
You lit me on fire encouraging me to write for you
It is like me asking you to choreograph a dance just for me
In the quiet where only I could see to look at your body 

Vulnerable in true nudity and then closing my eyes and walking out 
Because I claimed it was too much, too soon, saying,
“I was not ready to look at the sun, I’m blinded by the light 
I don’t know what to do, but you got to go; it’s too intense” 

You have no idea what it took for me to hope
I may have hinted at it, but if my hoping startled you 
That’s a bitter irony  

The rule says when the airplane starts shaking uncontrollably
Put your breathing mask on first so you can help others 
And I was writing to try to sew us parachutes, to leap together
Because even if you can fly, maybe I can’t   

Maybe when I said I needed to go slow too 
I meant it and if you ever asked me why maybe you’d know 
Maybe you wouldn’t be so damn scared 
Maybe you’d open up a little and the world wouldn’t explode 

Because I am not the one who said there was a bomb on this plane

Maybe you wouldn’t have to fly away when the airplane starts to shake
You are built to sail the skies alone; I get it
The thing is I was built to walk this Earth the same way 
People are not meant to keep their hearts in diaries and makeup cabinets 

I would never try to convince you of a damn thing
I certainly am not doing that here, 
But I don’t want to watch you walk away from me without fighting for you
I was not done; there is too much you shared of yourself with me
Whether you intended to or not that tells me you are just running away afraid  


I am just a human being, a very kind empathetic human being 
Looking to share part of my life with a woman who might actually get me 

And I get her; what are you so afraid of?

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