Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Some Days In the Silence

Some days I feel there is nothing to say, nothing to write
On these days I feel the most dead

Distant in the universe
The arbitrary has taken over
The only thing worth a damn to say
Is the search, the search for the obvious

The ubiquitous everything
Scaled in the silence
The charade tramples over it
Giving us things to do

So I do not want to do anything
But think, talk to myself, maybe write
But some days not even that
The distance takes over

There is no point, the interconnection is lost
Between all beings, things, and this illusion of autonomy
The delusion of individuality in borrowed tricked volition
The majestic platform of choice

As if time of before, now, and later is all a single instance
So that whatever this parcel elects is only done into itself
In the whole

Vacillating between absolute arbitrary and connection
Absorbing into the singularity
Some days I feel there is nothing to say, nothing to write
On these days I feel the most dead

The universe goes from beloved to stranger
Alone to trillions of hearts pumping love or fear choosing bravely
I want to be a chooser, I want to be brave
Some days I do not feel brave

I want to see one face that ain’t looking through me
Just one to go on the journey and the requested feel like death
Like not yet son, keep going down, you have to destroy more of yourself
To find the door to that key materializing in the silence
Maybe one day it’ll feel like something
But today just feels like nothing, like nothing
As long as I have this breath
I can blow it back up, expand

Remember the something as the whole

Like everything, like everything 

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