Saturday, November 22, 2014

Jul 31 - Letters from Luna - Re Coffee and Blueberries

On Jul 31, "Luna  wrote:
I usually read your emails and poems at least five times the day I receive them, then they go into a box, Letters. 

In between our meetings, while waiting for the next subscription I open the box and reread them...I think it is to remind me of how intoxicating your words are, extrapolating the underlying meanings, the effect they have on sinking into a warm bath.  

Then on the days of our actual meetings, I go through the things I am scared of when it comes to dating or relationships...being tamed, domesticated, vulnerable, monogamy. 

I think that is why when I first see you, I may have a look of fear or anxiety for the first, oh.. three, five, to fifteen minutes depending on the trials and tribulations of my day. It's some form of head space back into reality transition. Akin to eyes adjusting to the bright sun from being held captive in the darkness, deep breath, and it's not so scary. I have difficulty staying in the now when left to my own devices, comparing past to present, from future expectations. I do not fair well when others start planning for me. I require lots of time, I need to be the redwood or it will end in flames. 

And your letters make me angry, because how dare someone else see me, with me barely saying anything at all. When reading is all at once suprise, acknowledgement, and warmth...then I get nervous, the owl wanting to fly back into the darkness. I enjoy spending time with you and I am scared. Scared I will hurt you as I have hurt so many before in my past. And I realize what's done is done and that has passed, I can make my future daily, remaining still and contemplative. This time around, molasses speed, as to quell my fears of being trapped.

Last night...I think my favorite part was reading on the sofa with your arm circled around my ankles. 

Date: Aug 1
Subject: Re: Coffee and Blueberries

You do realize I'm starting to have feelings for you, right? 

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