Saturday, November 22, 2014

July 24 - Letters to Luna - Does anyone ever try to swim across?


I am sitting at home listening to Tom Waits’ Alice.  It’s one of my favorite albums to write to; I imagine a parallel in the way you may think of songs to dance.

Last night was wonderful.  I appreciate you sharing more of yourself and being in your own skin around me.  

I know there is a me who is the romantic artist type.  There is a me who is the serious provider, organized, pragmatic, and planned.  I know there is a me who is creative, humorous, and playful daring the world to laugh in favor of the comedy of the universe before resigning to reverence.  I know there is a me who is dark and battle-tested in badlands who has made it through.  I know there is a me who rarely feels permission to say, “I need,” but knows without need and supplication love cannot exist. 

I am proud to be all of these men. I am happy to feel comfortable sharing these facets with you.  You acknowledging some of what you perceive verbally is appreciated.  Most of my humor is on the fly; I am not really a story teller or scripted, as much as I am a writer, it is the mercurial sentiment on the tip of the wind that often guides my tongue when I am being playful.  My head is often attempting to connect several things at once and three steps ahead of my lips.  So reflecting back a bit in how I might come across every once in a while is helpful. 

I respect your mind and heart enough to be able to handle the potential confusion.  With you I want to take this route and risk being misunderstood.  I don’t need you to understand it all or if even every part of it even makes sense to me.  I only know that right now in my life I am wanting to be present and go on this adventure. 

I am focused on sharing our inner measures.  I see the logistics of our lives.  I see my eight to five and your duality of nine a.m. appointments and two a.m. dance routines and I ponder the fullness.  I wonder if you have filled your life to a degree of insulation.  I don’t want to threaten your niche or change you.  I just want to experience this as a growth process for each of us, but I am aware that scheduling in any relationship requires a degree of synchronicity. 

Last night you hinted you saw yourself as scary and the words sat there like on our second date when you mentioned your father had passed, and the third when you intimated you learned to run like him.  They registered a stopping point of comfortable reveal.  

Whatever our choices, trials, love’s labors they are true independent of released expression.  I have sought a partner capable of handling my full being my entire life.  I have never found that, whether you are it I am working on that and tread not into assumption, but on the border between my poetic inclination and what you choose to share.  

I am complicated, direct, curious, passionate, and strong.  I have been tested and stared the devil back into the shadows.  I do not break easily.  If you are wary of spooking me, I do not overact often, but I do say what I feel and promise nothing more than honesty and expect the same in return.  

I do not play games to act aloof or give others a puzzle to see where they stand with me.  I am very confident and firm in my identity.  The man I have shared is me, but there are novels in how I got to here and an ocean of poetry in a reef of sentiments and stories.  At the center though, this has been me.  

Happy birthday, I am glad you were born.  I am happy we have met and that you exist.  I would say I wish we had met sooner, but something makes me feel this time is exactly when we were meant to meet.  So cheers. 

I wrote you this poem today about last night.  I like writing these and thinking about the little moments we have spent together.  I am trying to make some time next Wednesday evening.  I’ll let you know.  You can call me in your free moments.  I want this; I want to grow this.  I want the fire of last night to have a chance to spread.  I like when you bit my lip harder in one of your kisses.  It showed conviction.  


Does Anyone Ever Try to Swim Across?

Circular in the slow wake, head hazed and day gazed
At the length of patients rotating like talking-ghosts
Who speak into vaulted ears sequestering secrets in a keeper more serious than black
So that days stack a library of restricted volumes

Exiting a car for a watcher at the door, noting the mental cloud
As a cushion in the lack of initiating a physical touchstone to begin the evening
She walks around the passenger door in the absence inquiring about coffee
He measures the space of that place he has so often been

Where his body is standing, traversing and yet contemplating an equation
Outside the present requiring a reset acquaintance
To be in the moment and not in the mind’s maze
As Glasser breaks choices, thinking is labyrinth

Feeling is a thermometer and doing is the catalyst for lightning to enliven growth
Where are we going again; asked like a conifer descending its seed to soil
In time where we were once before just a bit further on up the road beyond the levee
To see rebel souls and search for the sustenance of New Orleans

Ticket lager on credit like recognition of appreciating accountancy
In golden liquid circles recycling paths for fold-out thrones to purview the Mississippi
Serenaded by brass blown denizens of the night daring like immaculate vampires
To show outside of comfortable zones of beginning before the bewitching hour

But here as the orange sun sinks behind St. Louis Cathedral and a casino
Where the gamblers parade and dancers convene
Speaking of a cannabis cup overflowing for a place a body prohibits return
Thinking of his brother leaping off a stairwell and speaking in tongues

Years apart and the stories behind the stories we are telling and hinting
Implications in what is and is not mentioned
Like a remnant of Catholicism strangling self prohibitions inking his skin
In the juxtaposition of atheist years struggling with the gravity

Of objects adjusted by the pull of one distant passing the other
Catapulting slings of every experience leading to this instant
Placing this capsule and that as such to alter the outcome of eternity
In forces behind the paradigm of conscious light

Sparkling John Lennon and imaging the rebellion between a girl and her mother
Of being told what might be if she only applied herself, underachieving tattled tale 
In a doppelganger career paired between science and art, listening and dancing
In a two-sided war of the self

Drinking in the silent sky above the banks like juiced nectar paired daily
To permit a full meal of uninhibited volition and today she is indulging twice
As if the very act to imbibe this moment is a measure of relinquishing control
I ask her if she loves herself

The personal like a pull-chain lamp from the sunset to the darkness on the edge
Of a gargantuan oak enduring the electric lights of man
She said she is scary; the tree wants the sanctuary of the night’s veil
The aroma of what fear is wafts as if this bubble of potential affection

Whispering into a room of requirement may fall to the realities sitting
Like an army of clay soldiers behind doorways
That if he sees the scars striped against their cheeks he will run
And that moment of vulnerability as if such departure would transfer

From ambivalence to salted melancholy may have begun to already pass
Lit like a wick sparking adrenaline as his foot presses the gas pedal
In the roaring fervor of merging lanes she set a fire as Springsteen beckons
Her music is plugged in past Antony and the Johnsons metric

To measure where this is and may become as the buildings burn
The night air piercing a mirage of Auburn next and week of a daughter’s encampment
He has to see her
And her body feels like a catalyst for lightning

Battling a war of day and night seeking a time to let another in or not 
God banging at the gate all at once numb to the mosquito’s blood letting
Skin so soft and his mind wanders to what monogamy means to him
As sex licks the air like a feline arching her back purring

For the touch of the night in firm hand bracing the nape
The world sinks away off her feet to always see words behind his looks
Golden shoes bricked in exposed skin for blooming petals calling one to live
The painted bear crawls out of Houma’s hibernation to claim her place

Intelligence beyond the jeopardy of her father’s trivial pursuits
In an ACT score and what constitutes a woman defining who she is
Beyond swamp or desert, river or a stage’s inherent mask
Singing like a common hope beyond the line

That the glitter and the nudity costume the place others
Are not allowed more so than any business suit
The intimacy of what he may see that others may not
Disturbs her gravity of contemplating adjusting a path

Of filled in days and nights, juggling the spectrum of two lives
Encapsulated in twin naps and ten watches to keep the time
Batteries exhausted and in between the lines of speaking in the river’s curve  
Boarding the freight of contemplating his eight to five

He thinks maybe she is changing and that startled bit afraid
Emotion like a root the priest and Edmond Dantes spot tunneling out the Chateau D’if
Before the roof collapses and in the crush the Count of Monte Cristo becomes a possibility
Willing to risk death in the bag of a dead man’s passage into the sea

The sun beyond the stone, the bird in the unreachable window
If only humans had wings and yet kisses in the moonlight are given to fly
He knows neither has to know; just hold on and see where this goes
If she is monster than maybe he is a monster too

Waiting like her animus and his anima to settle the beauty and the beast

Unconsciously awakened contemplating release 

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