Saturday, November 22, 2014

Broken Ribs and Punctured Lungs

I am so exhausted of bleeding effort to convince myself
That even ten percent of what I want in my life is present
Attempting to cultivate to make it what I want
I gave up so long ago in choosing what I want

I look around the innards of my decision
The sky seems so arbitrary; I think I once wanted to be put to work
To be desired as needed, to be of service
As a force that makes a heart leap and in this

I knew God in a way the absence sets me adrift
To rummage through music, poetry, yoga, meditation, and writing
To find a substitute for connection, for blood and the breath
To combat the silence

The choke chain of routine following me to sit behind computers
Steer a Chevrolet without guiding it into a telephone pole
The breakfast table staring at the corn flakes
The shower tiles and the yellow rerun scrub

Recycling air for a taste of art as if I did not know were the beauty lives
Reaching my hand out and seeing that length of time before
The fingers sit extended the arm exhausts in the non-response
The mind succumbs to vomit in the writing, then at the writing

The writing becomes the pin to the grenade holding on
Like as long as there might be something worth writing
The living might be eligible to continue as if this were a puzzle
Materializing some image to be understood better

Not understood, just less hazy, less fuzz in the lens
Hoping that I could quit wanting what does not want me
To find an avenue that was healthy, possible, and reciprocated
For longer than short enough to break a man in shrapnel

Just long enough to make him care that extra bit that feels like every rib is broken
That each patella is shattered, so there is no limping or lung available
Just impaled breath and lying there at the mercy of tires not to run him over
As he tries to regrow bone watching the skies rotate

So he thinks one day at a time, just get through, maybe something will happen
Maybe he can find a breath in the motions
And he does, and he loses it, the punctures, the fractures return from new terms
Melding bones hoping his spirit does not completely escape 

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