Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Cave’s Reverie

It’s the silence; it’s always been the silence
Lies at least bear the respect of a response
As if the speaker had the respect for an offering
To tide the beast with a scrap of humor

Plato’s stalactites are in the computer screen now
Anchoring in documents casting shadows twisting in the darkness
Writing the potential of dreams bouncing off dreams
Swirling worlds that only exist in cascading assumption

Brewed in the silence of what one hopes founded out of ignorance
Breathing in the darkness of possibility of the horror
A man commits when he closes his eyes and sees the infinite
No walls, no boundaries, just besotted hope slobbering

A Blockbuster movie rental house to find the pictures she spoke
Her behind the counter, me trying to check out without confrontation
Yet I see a turned computer screen of her edited script asking
If all that I wrote was true, if I was so inspired

She stops the line; pulls me behind the counter and starts fellatio
She gets fired; I leave the movies on the counter and fly out that building
Like an angel with giant feathered wings smiling happy
Before the glass shatters

Dreams like visions of a sad mind conjuring God’s hints
Seeing what one wants, praying over cereal bowls
Asking (pleading) for directions, “What do you want me to do now?”
“If it was not that; if not her, if not... Then...”

The shadows bounce off the sphere of rock
Splaying a man through like spears ripping his guts
Until all there is becomes fraying rope fragmenting into flitted shards
Dust to sweep up if anyone gave a shit about the floor

Mirrored in the ceiling with the blood crusted from the leaks
Pouring in the silence slapping itself in echoes
As if when one talks to himself the wood will answer
The horizon will bring the man a moon to shine a mirror in the darkness

Dreaming the words would shift like a snap before the last drop of hope
Evaporates at dawn like a perverse dew of midnight’s dreams
Knowing when one wakes it is all over, back to the bat guano and shitty cell phone reception
Typing at a computer trying to get back to the dream 

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