Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friday Afternoon with Otis

Sitting at work together explaining to my fifty year old female coworker
Why the Blue’s Brothers are a travesty to soul
I explain about twenty-six year old Otis Redding plummeting in a plane
Playing Fa Fa Fa, I can’t turn you lose, Try a Little Tenderness

I feel like my heart is sitting on the desk
Just thumping there like an animated stapler
Sore eyes from going home to eat gumbo at lunch
Crying on the carpet kneeling to hope there is a God

Drying eyes with a black cloth in the mirror
Trying to look presentable and drain the head
Before returning to punching numbers in a computer and dying
Just god damn dying, not because the job’s a grind

But because coming home is the true hell
Trying to fill the silence with writing poems, letters, and stories
To ghost lives and ghost women attempting to shake
Shake in the morning, Early in the evening

Hoping for a head on collusion with the ground
To end it all, just end it all because growing old before your time

Is worse than dying young 

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