Saturday, November 22, 2014

Nov 22 - Letters to Luna

There is something human in imagining a peaceful passing, of being with family at home away in a nearness to sleep and slipping under not waking up.  Before the release having dear ones close to speak words, hugs, and filling out spaces on memories to remain in the world of the living to be remembered in colorful ornaments.  Sometimes relationships, however short, can bear likeliness.  One wants to savor what was before accepting the inevitable in as palatable a dosage and form as possible.  

I have not had many close relationships in my life.  When I meet somebody I feel like I am on the same page with and decide to let into my world it is a big deal for me.  There is a large part of me that feels that I am meant to be alone, not because I cannot find anyone, but that I am really just meant to live alone in a relatively solitary life based on my needs.  I’ve dated and felt no relatable connection so many times.  I crave my space.   As a writer I just know how I work, what it feels like to click inspired poetically or not to feel a measure of it duality.  That is why this was so hard on me, I felt something different in you that challenged the nature of what to expect, of what was possible; you shook me.  

Maybe that comes across as immature or sad given the copious nature of my writing.  I see the world through my poetic spirit first.  That was stimulated from what appeared to float in our talks.  I just know I am tapped into a different wavelength than most people.  That is the stuff I take the most seriously.  

My apologies if that made it weird for you.  It was not feelings for you or my thoughts of what feelings you had for me; it was about you as a person, as a divine being in this universe and striking me hard through my essence as powerful interrelated with something bigger than my-self.  Maybe that sounds crazy.  Maybe most people don’t take that stuff seriously or important, maybe you do, maybe you don’t.  

I have lived my life as a writer and a highly meditative person.  I am linked into deeper ‘spiritual’ threads in what existence is.  You hit me like that especially when you started to open up, when you were vulnerable in those windows.  It was not the be-all or an only sort of thing, just an I better pay attention because this is important kind of thing as a touchstone on my human journey.  That is where all this writing has generated, from my conflicted processing of trying to digest the novelty and power of understanding what that was.  

You obviously did not have that experience.  Maybe you were blocked.  Maybe you were open and not wanting.  That is an inner sanctum only you can know.  

I wished for time to continue our conversations, of getting to know each other.  While dating I was not ready nor in a position to try to describe to you the place your essence or spiritual-being was resonating with me as kindred or powerful.  It was the kind of thing I wanted to share face to face at the proper time as I had a better understanding of it and describe or address this unspoken vibe going on in the background of our meetings, of how we could talk like that, of something bigger, odder and different than simply an emotional connection.  

The emotional connection was normal, just beginning.  To me spiritual connections do not work in the same manner (as a function of time).  A soul is like a candle, either lit or not.  One sees the luminescence of another’s soul as wholly present or sees little to nothing based on our own openness or closure to another’s frequency in the spectrum.  It is not necessarily explained or understood, but it is there, apparent and vibrant.  The flame that I saw in you was one of the brightest.   

I just know life is so much more than television, rent, cars, water, and sex.  Life is art tapping into an interconnectedness that I hold above all.  You felt like interconnectedness to me like a pulsing font of potential energy and my flawed being wanted to try to see a chance to share part of his time on this Earth with you for whatever that might have been.  In my consciousness things like that are part human brains making decisions and part the confluences of what is bigger than me interacting.  I felt that very much in meeting you and it has been difficult to find the peace to get to this point of letting my thoughts of you go like a spirit passing into and out of my path. 

What I was experiencing may have added a pressure to you in the veiled reality.  To me it is just who you were; that exists independent of me.  In this case I did not need long to see you worth my interest in this regard. 

I make those kinds of decisions on what I feel in bones, in spirit, and rarely with my head.  I try to feel how life appears to be fitting together and go with that flow.  It was never a function of commitment, love, or certitude, but more like removing the measure of a curtain before a window.  I came to a place of wanting to display my being most transparently.  As the juncture transpired, my words combined with your deliberation imploded.  You chose no. 

I struggled so mightily in how I could feel I saw so clearly who you were, mainly like a closed flower and the beauty of your mind and be so wrong that my conjecture could not reach a more elaborative personal part of you willing to converse on a more human level than the terse formality presented.  

The succinctness drew me to deliberate the pressures on you to see me as hardened clay, as if I was attempting definition in the nativity of our introduction rather than a man asserting his intention of pursuit and for you to continue your interest.  I used terms and answered your questions with an openness to be misunderstood, assuming more time for us to learn of each other in a low key setting.   

I felt touched in such a dear place.  I saw your quiet artistic contradiction stitched in the flair.  There was a contemplative sweetness in a sultry library thrashing a wilderness from your head I appreciated.  

I wrote too much.  That shit hurt.  I felt the vulnerability I displayed was like an extended hand to demonstrate it was safe for you to mirror even a semblance of that openness.  I genuinely felt in my heart you were starting to do that, but I also felt from the beginning there was so much of you held back.  Your openness did not feel like full release more like a stretched rubber band destined to snap back into its habitual form.  

My intuition, my gut, my feelings told me in a sense that for you like Rumi “your task (was) not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”  I saw you had many rules and barriers to intimacy.  I felt if you were ever going to get close to me you had to talk to me at some point about what your rules were and why you installed them.  This was your natural path to openness and your odyssey to deliberate. 

I saw that as a process I hoped you would share with me over time.  I thought it was the only way to really get to know you with your guard down.  I knew exiting your place of closure was likely to scare you and possibly make you see me as someone asking you to change rather than as someone simply interested and starting to care who hoped you would choose openness as a precursor to giving us a fair shot.  I wanted to get to know you to find out if this was a good fit for me, but neither of us could do that with the closed space you appeared to be in.  That closure like a roadblock would inevitably stall our relationship as I imagined others you have participated.  So I tried to just write and talk with you with what I felt your soul needed to cultivate openness.

I wanted you to see through the window I had removed the curtain for you, what it took for me to part that shade, and to a degree the complexity of why I was reacting in such a flood.  I wanted a tear drop of your empathy to snuff the match lit as if this was a more human experience. 

In rereading some of the things I wrote I see how some of that stuff could have come across as overreaching or serious rather than what it was, passion flying thoughts amongst the many.  I understood your reactions through that type of paradigm.  

I felt my poetic intuition saw the roots of who you are before the thorny flowers guarding your core-self.  I felt your wildness, the buck of your mare, the bite of your fangs into my lip feeling them like guardians of a quiet space I saw out of traditional order.  

How interested you ever were in me I don’t know; I just know it was secondary to where you needed to be and how your urge to press the brake pedal exceeded your desire to let the vehicle coast; meaning even if you were interested in me I felt you would have pushed me away just the same. 

I second guessed myself a lot.  I felt inside you maybe I saw a woman wanting something she had been looking for and maybe running away from for a long time because it would inevitably alter things inside her maybe she did not want to deal with.  You seemed hesitant to leave your space and expose to try. 

You can put on my layers of years and stories, but the core of me is the same.  So I may not know ninety plus percent of your stories, but the you that keeps your back to the wall, is nude but reveals nothing, over analyzes and is actually an introvert despite all the flair; I got her.  She touched me.  How interested she was in me, I don’t know.  Based on what you emailed me, I imagine not much at all.  How all my writing may have affected you, I don’t know, but I hope you filtered through my off-tangent ramblings to the pith of my communications. 

I know you needed your space; I had a hard time wrapping my brain around what happened.  I wrote a lot of stuff, from a lot of different angles, because I thought we were two exceptionally rare people who may or may not have worked out, but had potential.  We had an ability to hold conversations, be in an intimate place raw and human with a commensurate depth few people in my life and no romantic interest of mine have ever projected.  It was different and shocking, innate and I knew was a lot to take in for both of us.  The power in that was real, whether it was right for either of us or sustainable that is unknown, but the power was real. 

I wanted to try to become closer, to be friends, lovers, but by no means each other’s world.  People get different things from different people and grow and should never deny the roots that nourish their identity.  I felt this struggle in you like being with anyone too personally threatens to cut those roots for you.  I struggle in dating anyone I feel like I have to entertain; you didn’t make me feel like that.  The low or minimal need you appeared to display for a partner to occupy your daily routine was a plus for me.

I felt we had a chance as we could be side by side reading together with a hand around an ankle maybe listening to Ella and Louis or Dinah and Brook Benton sing, maybe one day a hand touching a hand and simultaneously personal and universal.  I felt that was the spot in the spectrum of life I felt we had a chance to feed each other like an oasis to branch out to our art, careers, friends and pursuits.  There was a chance for this manner of empathetic dearness to usurp fears for mutually complex people.  I thought you would get me when I needed my time to write and read, because you knew what it meant to feed the creativity that fuels your life.  I was hopeful for reciprocation.  

The quiet you that keeps her back to the wall and the me that wrote those poems that was raw, honest, and core; that is what haunted me.  I do not know how you took me to that place and I do not know how I saw that place in you.  I wanted you to take more of the reins to guide us to where you needed to be and when I requested that your response was away.  

I heard the soul music, the deep-personal like Antony’s voice, I saw the opera of your quiet and the few things you would say aloud; I saw the contrast in your costumes and the woman behind who actually spent time with me; I am experienced enough to know the legitimacy of the intimacy of those experiences and how hard they are to find in this universe.  I know how big they felt, how scary that melody is to attempt to find harmony given how life can go.  

I know how much easier it can be to stay secluded, to avoid swimming in the deeper waters, to smile, play, and avoid looking into someone’s eyes and know souls are exposed praying nothing gets destroyed.  One can kiss, have sex, dance with some, but that look, that vulnerability is the essence we hold-in that pulses with the universe, it’s our kernel.  Maybe that is a place you feel you can never go with a person again.  I found that thought sad. Maybe it just could never be with me; I don’t know.  

I thought of the idea of you ever being in a place of your life to say, “I love you” to a partner or to accept the idea that a partner could say it to you and mean it was something foreign or unnavigable to ever reach the idea of being that personal or close.  I don’t know but you made me feel like you viewed your life like a knot wound so tight that such a scene was impossible in the concourse of most iterations of your future like that was part of your never with anyone, like you know you are just not built to be dependent or vulnerable in that way.  I don’t know if that is true, but I found that thought sad. 

I felt the racetrack of your dancing life and wondered if you felt yourself limited in or purposely restricted yourself in the logistics in choosing the type of man that could be in your life and you would not have to risk exposure.  Like that burlesque world has a sense of frolic, moonlight, and alcohol to coat the seriousness, the intimacy with a smiling laugh that provides a distance as a convenient buffer to intimacy.  

I felt judged and like you were cheating us both because even trying risks more than you could explain to me in words.  You did not even choose to invite me to see you dance before shedding me from your life.  You did not choose to speak or call.  When I sent that text of how much a simple phone call would mean to me and got silence I felt the scorpion.  I felt your lack of response to provide me better closure was selfish and unkind on the surface, but inside a measure of your confliction of things you want and fear in the garden you have grown.

I am a complicated man; you’re a complicated woman.  Upon meeting you I could tell there was nothing simple about you.  You’re just not, you’re exceptional.  I’m exceptional and I have known that in my life the rule was never going to work to fit with how I am built.  I needed the one of out of a thousand, because that is who I am.  I am not better or worse, just different and capable of going, thinking, and feeling places most people do or cannot.  I thought we could share conversations most people I meet just can’t hold.  For someone to get into that place and honestly touch and inspire me there was going to take the anomaly.  

I was only interested in spending time with all of you; I wanted us to push each other’s boundaries like catalysts for growth.  I knew continuing to stay around you was going to change me; I was not sure how, but I knew we would each grow in unique ways if that would have continued.  

If you wanted a man to pull you further into the burlesque world, to anchor you there that could never be me.  That is your journey.  I admire it; I think it is artistic and beautiful, but I would always be a counterbalance to the gravity that pulls you there to provide a greater completeness rather than a landslide.  If you wanted a man to balance and supportively accentuate that world, that might have worked.  The broadness of a man's shoulders is not measured in inches.

I am not a visual being.  I never have been.  Most men are; I’m not.  I appreciate physical beauty, but without an inner context it all blurs into a non-interface surface.  The inside makes the outside personal, without a linkage to the inner I am vastly ambivalent outside of basic tenants of sexuality that might biologically turn me on for the moment, but sustain nothing.  I have little interest in seeing a burlesque show absent you or a woman I would know personally in it; and I’m not ever going to one of your shows.

I guess my point is that somewhere inside I felt like we were each trying to balance our lives out.  When I thought of your burlesque life, I thought of your thoughts behind all the glitter and I thought I might have a place there the same way I thought you might pull me to places I needed to be because you were smart, creative, and strong enough to help me grow and see a greater picture of the world. 

I felt the reason you stepped out your comfort zone was because you were looking for that type of balancing different and maybe shedding some of your potential self-restrictions in the arena of intimacy.  If you wanted a man to complement the quiet you and at times to go out and rollick in a barroom, but for the most part provide you a dexterity anchored in a place maybe only one person in the world can fit at a time that maybe could have been me.  There are hundreds to fill out the remainder.  

I know what I want in my life and it damn sure does not fit in a box or the standard rule.  I want my own version of a counterbalance knowing there are places my spirit and mind have to go that no matter who is in my life they cannot for the most part follow. 

In my contemplation I saw a journey you had to do for you I saw this deeply emotional beautiful complex person sequestered so far away who pulls further inward or snaps at anyone attempting to get too close.  I imagined reasons for that, but knew that was always your choice.  This overdone conversation I created is swept into a past beyond visitation.  I see the rockslide at the entrance.  There are things that I wrote knowing the line you crossed to burn the bridge behind you.  

I was emotionally abused in my past: isolated, terrorized, ignored, and threatened.  I have done a lot of work and initiated changes in my life to undo the carnage to my self-image from an abusive climate of disregard.  The way you departed was not abusive, but it also was not the only way you could have chosen to handle that given the personal manner of our interactions.  The truncation of not getting a chance to give you a hug and say goodbyes, to basically feel it was real, just not what you want in the long term, but to validate feelings with words rather than silence, pushed me out into the waters of feelings of my emotionally abused past to a degree which exacerbated how I digested the experience.  Some of the things I wrote came from that place, but most of it came from the feelings I started to have for you and a want to keep going based on the candle I saw in you.  I hope you can understand that segmentation as a professional, but foremost as the woman I met.  I am not perfect; I am not giving myself a pass, but this is the life I have lived; it’s complicated.  

I hope I left you with something that brings you to a place of better or accentuated, broadened, grown.  For me the universe gave me the lesson to let things go.  For you maybe it was to be a bit more vulnerable to not embrace the callousness of a stinger with such readiness to keep people away.  There is little beauty in it and the contrast is glaring in the flush of beauty you hold.  

I would have greatly appreciated you going out on that ledge to openly express whatever feelings you did have and still depart to go the way you wished to go.  The measure of faith of being that vulnerable to share that recognition is a faith in accepting the possibility of love in one’s life as a gift rather than a curse.  I imagine you have dated many people in short-term experiences of various depths but this like some of them bore uniqueness worthy of more than an email or a text.  Your apparent barrier to engage in rather than quash such a confrontation of sentiment and kiss a seal of closure rather than slit and flee from an open wound is I imagine what you have left on your end to debate as a measure of growth.  

My debate is to recognize the nature of volition and kindness in this universe and my reaction to it.  When people do not wish to be in my life I need to retract my mental space for those people in a fairer manner to all parties.  As a writer these are powerful emotions to paint and I have often languished in the inspiration tethering my mental space to the idea of contemplative analysis, universal presence, and at times my imperfections. 

There was a time in our conversations where I thought you very well may have been that anomaly of my life.  I was willing to expend these efforts in that search knowing that you are a mutable being to see if that might be true.   

I hoped you might want to slow down, take a breath, be real, be you, stage name, Luna, all of you, willing to think about sharing the inner with the man you saw in my face, in my writing, as complex, beautiful, ugly, flawed, and strong as I am.  I thought you might want to try to tilt the neck of your life in a direction that accentuates who you are by sharing with him.  I no longer have those hopes.


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