Saturday, November 22, 2014

July 29 - Letters to Luna

On Jul 29, "Severus" wrote:
After the show tomorrow if you would like to stay over at my house you are welcome to or if you would like to drive over to my house and leave your car there beforehand to depart later in the evening or in the morning you are welcome to do that.  I usually leave for work about ten to eight. 

I would like to spend some time with you and wanted to give you some options for what works best for you.  



Date: 29 Jul  
Re: Tomorrow evening
I would like to come over beforehand. Thank you for the invitation. 

Date: Wed, 30 Jul
: RE: Tomorrow evening

From: luna@mail
To: Severus@mail
How terribly upset would you be if I only wanted to spend time with you and not go to the show? I woke up this morning feeling quiet and not sure I want to be in a crowd tonight. 

On Jul 30 at 11:49 AM, Severus wrote:

A quiet evening in sounds splendid.  I understand what it is like not feeling like being in a crowd at times.  Being an introvert as well, I often balance the drain of being around a bunch of people or feeling at times obligated to relish socialization in certain forms that pull me out from the more quiet, at times intimate experiences with one, a few people, or only myself where I can focus on what I prefer. 

I'll make some cocktails and we can spend some time together.


To: Severus

wonderful, i'll see you around 9

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