Saturday, November 22, 2014

No Place

If you decide you have no place for me in your life
I have no place for you in my thoughts

The writing, the ten minute cycles of ponder
The creep of what I might have done, said
To change the outcome
Burn into a vault of prohibited food

For one does not feed the dead
To do so diverts nutrients  

Anger from the trick to make me care for you
To approach and tell me of your affinity and fear
Each intimate as either is behind the barrier of the casual
Caring and inviting

So that in your exit I find my nascent faith departed
My poetry, words, images inspired offered worse than losing love
This was hope scalding in my guts bubbling aspiration
To taunt me with the ideas of what could be

As if a man dreaming was to make him a thief
Attempting to traverse in lands only he saw
As if you did not expend the mental energy
To imagine the folds of my being

I reached to you in humble supplication in efforts to bond empathetically
To offer space for deliberation and in this the haughty rise of every word
On my page shrinks me child-like to the maturity of your silence
As if not wanting is the throne of God immune to the human soul-ache

Pulsating in the universe to notice, to give a damn
That these moments pass never to be regained in such swift succession
Towards an ever impending termination of the vessel of our bodies
So it is you mock the pinnacle of a soul’s exaltation in a man’s whisper of connection

Running in silence to cast him as impertinent to the masquerade
I want my want back and so I take it into my dominion
To not wonder your habitation, your constant photographs to fans
Assuming a persona compensating for what you chose not to offer

As you live behind your ruled-locks and feather keys flying into the darkness
I prayed to you with rain of kindness, empathized the possibilities of grief
And received the arrogant blockade as if I was the dust of shoes shook 
You have no place for me in your life
I have no place for you in my thoughts

My place it’s the no place
My image is without face
I leave into the divinity of breathing
Exhaling the ego of attempting to change you

Though wishing you thought differently
I wipe this face into the universe
Whole in thought to be in the present
Of direction casting past as shed skin

Living in the fires of the no place
The image of the no face
In love with everything in the present
But not you as a severed parcel

For to see you as an individual as of now
Flushes pains I must cast aside
So in you must reform into the whole
Knowing you have no place for me and I must un-choose

The image of your words and body must fade

Into the no place 

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