Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sept 6 - Letters to Luna - An apology to both of us

I am sorry for the words
There were too many 
I spilt like flicked ash with black flecks 
Scorched rolling papers 

I should have kept the watch 
The timing was intrusive like an obnoxious alarm
I should have asked if it was ok
I think I knew the answer and it wasn’t 

I got caught up in the breakers, the undertow 
Of hope like the tide was on a cycle other than the moon 
Like I could lasso the Earth’s satellite 
And feel this gravity between us as something 

Commensurately greater 
Imagining your dark side 
Like I was the sun for a flash 
And I could see everything 

I apologize for guesswork dreams of who you were
Why we met and when the tide was scheduled to drift out 
I saw the sea turtles crawling up from the sand 
Multitudes of kindred shells dodging gulls from first breath 

I wanted you to tell me every one of their names
As I read the lines on their shells like road maps 
Of every bad thing I ever felt like the world was less hard 
I am sorry for not slowing down

You saw the sunset and I kept spitting words like a dodo 
I see how afraid I was and projected my fears onto you
Extinct and all I wish is I would have kept quiet 
Held your hand and watched the sunset not saying a thing

While the light lasted

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