Saturday, November 22, 2014

Feathers and Lice

I am trying to forget, to unmerge wishes and reality
Saw a Facebook post of a guy’s girlfriend claiming her territory
Joking he’s taken as if want of such could ever be announced, Dare be it publicly

I cannot remember that feeling as a man
Not even the wedding day; it seems tainted after finding that letter
That and the obvious aftertaste, but the letter like a stamped passport of her regrets
Written so long ago it corrupts like tumors that were always present

Oh well that was what it was
The others well my head just doesn’t know
My heart felt it twice, once the day the Nightingale wore green eye shadow
Sat on my sofa and tried to not let me give up hope before she faded

The owl for about three seconds on a phone call when she asked
That is if you still want to; as if she wanted and I might not
For that splinter of time and then collapsing into the debate
If she was always so ready to let go, it’s all a bunch of feathers

Pittances of desert water compared to the clarity of a waterfall’s reflecting pool
Low expectations of detail into the self churning
Wanting a place to put the sensations of entitlement to care for another human being
Makes me feel everything I have to offer is a burden rather than a blessing

Pay them to tolerate rather than them reciprocate to me to enjoy;
Shouldn’t feel that, reeks of littleness and cancer
Don’t know the cure because I honestly do not know what the alternative feels like
I think I have seen it in others to others

Just makes the absence all the worse
Wanting an emotion one acknowledges he may never have
Makes a man feel like fungus
That death is death; just ends, no spirit, not God, not permanence, just nothing

Searching, questioning, meditating, turning inward to find the universe
Insular protection numbing the bended gazes of castle-wall women
With no soliciting signs and boiling oil dump-pots
The feathers stuck to my skin with the lice in the strips burrowing

Wanting the only image of love I have ever known
The eventual silence, the nonresponse like my pages are penned by an alien
Wanting to blast off, find home, get out of the definitions
To see hope like a star fly right to the perimeter and melt trying for the center
Knowing sometimes that is all a man can do

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